Chapter 17

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And it was as he thought. The minute that Oonjai was bathed in the stage light, all the worries in his eyes were locked away and replaced with confidence, almost making him a completely different person.

Tossakan stared at the one holding the microphone and swayed to the rhythm of rock music. Every move, every look in his eyes was filled with heat and fervor. The heavy beat of the song combined with the movement of the singer made it easy for everyone to get hooked. Tossakan looked at the person below who was dressed demurely as he had ordered, but for some reason he felt that it was even sexier than it used to be. Small movements laced with intrigue and the sweat that dribbled along the frame of his face accentuated the moon pale skin. Tossakan looked at Oonjai in fascination. Song after song from the other man as he put his heart and soul into weaving a captivating spell reminded him of that night....

...The night when he heard his's voice for the first time. He remembered that he was about to take a drink after just getting off work. The shop where he was sitting had some famous classical music softly playing in the background, but it failed to lull him to release the tension from work. He was frustrated and angry about many things that did not go his way.

Tossakan was about to get up and walk out of the shop, but the acoustic guitar melody from outside the store floated its way to him first. The old song he liked, along with someone's soft voice, compelled him to sit back down. Tossakan closed his eyes and let his mind wander and relax with the pleasing lyrics and melody. It was the few minutes that were engraved in his heart for a long time....

He was determined that when this song ended, he would walk outside to find the source of the music and asked the man to become a singer at his pub, but everything was too late. When he came out, he could not see even a shadow of the mysterious singer. Tossakan still remembered very well the feeling of frustration after the near miss with the other man.

He had wandered around looking for that voice for months until he gave up in despair. However, fate had decided to play a joke on him and placed the owner of the voice he was looking for right in front of him. So now that the other man was his, from this point on, be it his voice, his body, or even his life, he would never let anyone or anything take what belonged to him, even if that thing was fate itself.

Tossakan knitted his brows as he pulled himself quickly away from his past thoughts when he saw that the music below had stopped. Moreover, someone came and offered a drink to his man. Tossakan clenched his jaws tightly as a tall man approached Oonjai.

However, the fact that the younger man was retreating and gently refusing him made Tossakan breathe more easily. A pair of beautiful eyes flashed up to meet his gaze for a moment. Tossakan was sure that it was just a coincidence because there was no way the slender little thing below could know where he was standing as the glass above was designed to be able to look out of but not look into. Still, the glancing around like he was considerate of his feelings made he feel a little least the slighter man still did as he was told.

Tossakan glanced at the time on the dial of his luxury watch. It was almost time to finish up. He turned around to clear the work on his table for a little more before walking down to meet the other man.

The booming music from the DJ after the live music drowned out the hustle and bustle of the rowdy customers. Many people started to go to the dance floor. The area around the stage was crowded with drinkers, but the slender body in a cream turtleneck stood out from the moment he walked in. Tossakan walked through the crowd towards the spot where his man was sitting.

"Please, Oon. Stay a while longer. It's our debut today. Nonnay and Nuengdiao are still chilling with us...will you really leave right now?" The manager urged the slighter man to stay.

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