Chapter 33

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Oonjai spent all day with his baby brother, playing and taking pictures.

"Klairak, smile, please. One, two, three!"

The slight figure took picture after picture of the round little dough in quick succession, trying to collect all the angles.

"Smile, my good boy." He finally understood why on that day P'Ning just seemed to click away on her camera. His brother was just so cute!

"Ooon. P'Yak, too."

"Of course. A sweet smile for me, please. Very good!"

Oonjai looked at the round, happy face smiling brightly through the screen. His brother was super adorable, especially when the round little thing hugged his favorite doll and gave him a sweet smile.

"Ooon, too. Ooon, too."

"Yes. Yes." Oonjai took his round-bellied baby boy on top of his lap and adjusted the camera. As he was busy adjusting the position for his little pest, his hand accidentally tapped on a special application he downloaded.

"Oooon! Bunbun!"

Oonjai looked at Klairak's pointing hand and found that on the screen both he and his brother had pink bunny ears on top of their heads.

"Giggles. Kai bunbun. Ooon bunbun."

The happy laughter from his brother made him click continuously on the shutter, recording the plump little bunny with both ears and whiskers.

Klairak seemed to especially enjoy this application as he laughed joyfully when he was turned into several animals. Little hands chose the pictures with great enjoyment, including a puppy and a little piggy. Every time he was transformed on screen, his round little boy would insist he joined him in the frame to transform into animals together.

"Ooon. Pig. Pig."

"How does a pig sound?"

"Oink, oink." Oonjai giggled at the little piggy's antics.

"How about a puppy?"


"Ha, ha. This little pup sure is fierce."

"Well, how about a kitty." Oonjai looked at Klairak who put his hand loosely over his mouth before making a faint sound.

"Meow. Meow."

"Giggles. So cute! about a little cow?"

"...." Klairak had a confused look on his face before finally voicing.

"Cow. Cowwww!"

"Ha, ha, ha. Cows say 'moo, moo.'"

"Moo, moo?"

"Yes. Moo. Moooo." Oonjai dragged the syllable for his brother to follow, and the little boy did not disappoint. He imitated his older brother in the most adorable manner.

Oonjai and Klairak took pictures together well into the afternoon. Little Klairak then appeared so sleepy that Oonjai took his round little dough to his nap. He took the opportunity to review some class materials as the final exam season was just days away. First year content was not super difficult, but for a scholarship student who needed to rely on his grades like Oonjai, preparing so he would make as little mistakes as possible was important.

Oonjai read on until little Klairak was awake and then took the little boy to change into the old clothes they liked to wear when they were still living with Granny and then headed to the swimming pool outside. The slight figure put the wide-brimmed hat on his good boy who was hugging the pink rabbit doll against his chest.

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