Chapter 15

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"Why do you always furrow your brows?" The tall room owner walked toward him.

"Do you not like it that there's a special nurse?"

This was one of the reasons that made Oonjai start to feel stressed out.

After everyone had gone home, a nurse came in to introduce herself and take his brother out to wash and prepare for bed. Oonjai could only sit there, confused, as nothing went as he thought it would. He could look after his younger brother by himself, really, so there was no need to hire a special nurse. There was also all this stuff that Khun had spent so much money on today.

"Why are you not speaking to me?"

The giant asked with a sterner voice when Oonjai looked awkward and worried.

"N...not that I don't like it, but I don't want to be too much of a burden on you. I can put my younger brother in a nursery near my university." The price for that place was not unaffordable; he had already checked it on the website.

"And there are those clothes and things. They...they're just too much." The larger man in front of him sighed and reached over to pull his small hand into his bigger one.

"It's really nothing."

"But if my brother and I move out later, what will you do with the newly built room?"

And there were also those mountains of toys. He and his brother came here empty-handed and if they had to leave, they would leave empty-handed. Just the fact that Khun had helped keep Klairak safe was already something he could never ever repay in this lifetime.

The slighter man was so deep in his worries about this and that he forgot to notice how the atmosphere around himself just grew colder all of the sudden.

"Why do you keep thinking of leaving?" The harsh voice so full of displeasure made Oonjai finally take note of the dangerous situation.

"'s...." Before Oonjai could speak more, the other man suddenly stood up and walked out of the living room immediately.


"Y...yes, Boss?"

"Follow me to the office!"

The angry voice barking so loud in the hallway made Oonjai swallow in the place of the men in black. Why was Khun so angry? Did he say anything wrong? He was just maybe it had nothing to do with him? Khun must have just realized he had some rushed work to do. Once Oonjai had made up his mind, the slighter man decided to leave the living room and go to the room which was his brother's temporary bedroom.

...He better check on the chubby little dough and see how much he has driven the nurse crazy by now.

He better check on the chubby little dough and see how much he has driven the nurse crazy by now

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"Are the documents about the sailing company all taken care of?!"


There was no rush concerning this set of documents. In fact, the deadline was set for the following month, so it was nothing unusual if they were still unfinished. What was unusual, however, was why his boss was pressing him for their progress right now.

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