Chapter 3

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"You can park here. The car can no longer go in a path this narrow." Oonjai explained to the intimidating man who sat there with his brows knitted as he stared into the deep alley.

"Why is your place so far away?" The deep voice asked, but Oonjai chose to pretend he did not hear the question. Instead he chose to quickly open the door and get out of the car. It was unfortunate indeed that his body was in no shape to take the physical exertion, and the slight man ended up awkwardly and slowly letting himself out of the car.

He had not even been properly standing when the driver with his same ogre grade scary face walked over to take him by the elbow and pulled him closer.

"What's the hurry? You can't even walk properly and yet you're already being insolent." The deep voice spoke up, prompting the slighter man to take a deep breath for the hundredth time that day.

Somebody sure is rather sharp-tongued! If this man were not his boss as well as the senior of P'Singh, there was no way he would take this mess lying down!

"Ouch! Khun, a little more gently, please." Man, the other man was quite heavy handed. He had no idea if he was there to help support him or just drag him over.

"Why the heck is it so eerily empty around here? You sure this is your place?"

"Yes. Thank you so much for dropping me off." Oonjai tried to pay his respect and then slipped away.

"I'll walk you home."

Overbearing! The slighter man grumbled internally but was not bold enough to stare back into those gazing sharp eyes.

"It's OK. Thank you."

"I'll walk you home." Oonjai knitted his brows at the man's stubbornness.

"'s really OK. You should head home and rest."

"I won't repeat it for the third time."

The clear frustration in that voice forced him to allow the burly giant to continue to support him as they walked along. Oh well. He had been enduring the other man's presence for the whole day. Just a little bit more so it can just be over already. He was exhausted and wanted rest and he hoped more than anything he would not have to see the man in front of him again, so he didn't have to think of their history together.

Thinking back to what happened and he could only console himself that he could not go back in time to fix the past. He was saddened by it, but it was not like he could blame anyone for what happened. He could only blame himself for being drunk. Oonjai still remembered well what happened that night. It was the night where bad things just kept happening to him, and the man in front of him had stepped in and helped. It should have ended right then but that was not the case....

When the manager called him over for a talk, at first Oonjai was under the impression that he would receive some sympathy and care over what happened, but he was greatly disappointed when he was instead scolded for sexual misconduct at work. Though he had tried explaining that he was being sexually harassed, the manager seemed to take no heed of it and even added in some words that were enough to shock him with embarrassment and anger.

"I didn't. I don't...."

"I told you. It's fine if you want to sell some extra services, but please don't give the shop a bad name."

The words along with the mocking tone made Oonjai's blood boil.

"I never did and will never do so. If I really wanted to make a living offering that kind of service, I wouldn't have been singing myself hoarse to earn my keep."

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