Chapter 10 [NC18+]

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 Warning : Episode 10,11,12 (first half) is NC 18+.

Some parts are quite violent. have misunderstanding and lead to a traumatic relationship (No rape, but an involuntary relationship)

Some scenes have rough narration. Ask readers to use discretion.

*** If you can't accept it, you can avoid and skip to reading chapter 12 (second half) without affecting the main content ***

Sorry for the inappropriate content.

Oonjai was taken back to the same penthouse.

"Ah, Khun! Not so hard. It hurts."

The forceful grab and pull made Oonjai cry out in pain.

"You're afraid of being hurt now? And were you not afraid before?! You dared to sneak away to see other men! You caused a fight among those guys, all vying for our attention! You really are just too charming for your own good!" The harsh tone of voice and the fury did not lessen from before, making the smaller man shrink back in fear.

"It''s not like that...." Oonjai tried to explain himself but only got a ruthless tone in return.

"Shut up!"

"Ugh. Khun...please listen to me first...."

The tall, burly body exerted such a pressure on him that Oonjai backed all the way until his back was against the wall while strong arms followed to trap him within their cage, making him unable to move.

"I'm not listening to anything! There's that damn Singh, your friends at the university, the guys in the band, and also those two lowlifes! If you want it so much, you can sell yourself to me! You'll get both the money and someone to bang you to your heart's content! How's that?!"

The fury and the words that look down on his dignity put an end to Oonjai's patience.

"I'll never be good in your eyes, is that right? I'm disgusting. I'm just some wanton kids running after men, am I not?!"

Finally, the last of his strength crumbled...what little bit he had managed to pull together all disappeared from the exhaustion, both mentally and physically, and the stress and pressure that were heaped on him from so many things throughout the past several days...all of it made Oonjai release all his pent up emotions in an outburst.

"No matter what I do, you'll never care for it, right? No matter how much I've tried to be good, no matter how hard I tried, it would all mean nothing to you, right?"

He could try to explain, but what good would it do if the other man wouldn't even give him an opportunity by listening to him? No matter how good he was, the other man would continue to look down on him. No matter how hard he tried, fate would always be so cruel, never giving him any hope, no matter if it was to do with the man in front of him or his younger brother. He was just so done with everything. He felt like he had no way out. What he had worked so hard for so far...what good would it all be if what he wanted more than anything...if the person he loved the most would be ripped away from him.

"Stop trying to play the victim and look at what you did!"

The shout and the harsh pull on his body startled Oonjai back to the situation in front of him.

"This is all your own doing! The minute I look away from you, you always create trouble! Can't you just stay still and take it easy for once?! I already told you that I can give you everything. Why did you still run off offering yourself to others like this, huh, Oonjai?!"

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