Chapter 21

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After breakfast, Oonjai was about to give his brother a wash, but the larger man put a stop to it. He told Oonjai to take care of himself before trying to take care of others, and Oonjai could only blush at those words. It was true as Khun said, as his lower half was aching all over simply from moving just a little. The simple act of filling the bathtub for a soak took him quite several minutes.

"Khun!" As he was about to take off his bathrobe, the slim waist was pulled into an embrace first.

"Why didn't you wait?

"I thought you already washed."

"I mean, why didn't you wait for me to draw the bath for you?"

"It's nothing big. can do it myself. Uhhh...Khun! Don't leave a mark!"

"Telling me to stop now is useless." Oonjai looked down at the strong arms that pulled his bathrobe apart, revealing smooth planes of chest and stomach that showed a trail of kiss marks on the moon pale skin.

"W...wait. Khun...get out first."

"You dare to chase me away now?" The slight figure in the big white robe was turned around to face the one who was already topless.

"You already washed. You'll get dirty."

"So what if I already washed? I can bathe again." Oonjai's hand was placed on top of the knot on the large pair of cotton pants.

"Take these off for me."

No matter how much the hot breath right next to his ears made his hands shake, Oonjai had to brace himself and pull the string that kept the pants together when the rough hands refused to let go of his.

"Ah!" His own robe was pulled away at the same moment those cotton pants fell to the floor.


Oonjai quickly put his arms around that strong neck for support when he was suddenly carried into the bathtub. The closeness between them made him sit stiffly against the other man as the broad chest surrounded him almost entirely. His neck was repeatedly kissed and nuzzled.

"Didn't you say you like the scent I use? Sit properly. I'll clean you." The slim frame was pulled against the warm chest.

"Why the shyness? I've seen everything...taste everyth...." Slender hands quickly closed the mouth that kept spewing such embarrassing things.

"D...Don't say it!"

He put his hand over that mouth, but the devilish giant continued to lick and nip at his palm, making him even more embarrassed.

"If you don't want me to say it, you've got to find something better to keep my mouth closed."


That "something better" turned out to be the pink lips that Tossakan had been staring at ever since their breakfast. The full plushness that he had had a taste of all last night drove him to push and demand until the younger man parted his lips, allowing him entrance to tangle their tongues together. The sounds of wet kissing echoed throughout the bathroom as saliva dripped down the corner of their mouths.


The soft protest from the smaller man on his lap made Tossakan try to suppress his desire. The shaky gasps for air made the older man lay a kiss on his temple in adoration.

"OK. I'm not going to pick on you anymore...but you must let me give you a bath."

The deep, self-indulgent voice in his ears came with a warm embrace from the back.

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