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Taehyung feels like a heavy rock has been planted on his chest. He feels heavy. If he is being honest with himself, Taehyung has been thinking about it for a while. This is not something that blurted out of nowhere. It has been there, nagging at him, and possessing his thoughts for a month. Every time he catches a glimpse of the alpha's healing wounds, he thinks about it.

Leave him.

You have caused him enough damage.

This is your fault.

It's your fault that he is hurt.

Stay away from him.

It's all he ever thinks about. He wakes up, eats, goes to his classes, and comes back home to rest, study and sleep with only one thing on his mind.

Leave him, leave him, leave him.

You might not be better off without him, but he is better off without you.

How can he not think that? How can he not when everything up to this point since he was sixteen is happening because of him? How can he not think like that when the alpha has been doing his best to protect him for over two years when he was obliged to? When he didn't want to. When he didn't want him, and when he despised him. Jungkook had to live with someone he detested just because he was a good person with a kind heart.

Taehyung has been a burden all along.

He doesn't want to be a burden, not to Jungkook. Not to the one person he, somehow, managed to find along the mess that is his life. It's time that he packs his bags and leaves because otherwise, he'd forever be a burden to the alpha.

Taehyung accepts the alpha's feelings as true, but what if the reason they are there in the first place is not a good reason to be loved? What if he just got accustomed to him? What if it's because Taehyung has this link to the alpha's sister where their stories correlate? What if all of this is based on such a fragile foundation? When did they get to know each other better? When did they get to sit down and talk peacefully like they were a normal couple on a day off?

Taehyung can feel his heart break in his chest, his breathing heaving as he stares at the alpha he loves.

What was it that pulled us towards each other, I wonder? Was it our helplessness, our misery? Was it that we found the light out of the darkness in each other? Are we not bound to get used to being blinded by distractions when the darkness ceases to exist, and the light only continues to grow? Wouldn't we feel different then? Wouldn't we look at each other and think to ourselves that we are thankful for each other for being the support each one of us needed, and mistake it for love?

My love, is our affection strong enough to stand against all odds? Would you not look at me, and one day, regret me?

The omega's eyes water, a smile tugging at his lips through his tears as he stares at the alpha whose expression falters, twisting from soft, and loving to a frown. Jungkook's eyebrows twitch as they furrow, and Taehyung slowly inhales the souring sandalwood scent that engulfs him.

"It was the plan from the beginning, you know? This relationship," Taehyung motions between them, his voice failing him, rising in pitch as he tries to hold it in. "This relationship has an alarm clock pinned on it. It has been that way from the start. Three months from now, the alarm goes off."

Jungkook breathes in, his throat bobbing as he swallows. The alpha's eyes somehow look wider, rounder. They look glassier as they stare back at him, and Taehyung thinks to himself that he has never seen him look like that before. Jungkook doesn't speak for a long time, his scent doing it for him. The way it gets duller with every passing second, and it is heavy in the air. A dull and sour version of the usual sandalwood that hugs him like a warm blanket.

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