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Taehyung walks with Jungkook side by side, his left hand holding his right wrist as they walk slowly, their steps taking their time in touching and lifting off the ground. Jungkook breathes in gently, the warm breeze hits his face as it passes them, barely there, and has the alpha uncomfortably shifting in his attire. He tugs at his collar in hopes that he can feel some cool air against his heated skin, but nothing. He feels suffocated and unable to breathe properly. He attempts another inhale, his breathing significantly louder this time as he takes in another breath through his mouth almost gasping for air. Taehyung halts his steps, eyebrows pulling together in worry as he turns to look at the alpha. He sees him struggling to breathe and rushes to stand in front of him instead.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Taehyung asks, slightly frantic as he grabs the alpha's wrists that keep tugging at his collar before he reaches for his buttons instead and pops each one open for him till the alpha's breathing quietens down the moment he feels cool air hitting his skin. Taehyung pushes the suit jacket off his shoulders, throws it over his shoulder and then starts folding his sleeves up. The alpha, now calm, takes in gentle breaths through his mouth and exhales them through his nose as he watches Taehyung's hands all over him. His arms, hands, chest, neck, everywhere. Taehyung is trying to keep the shirt he's wearing as loose as possible to allow him to breathe, not fully realising that he has calmed down after the third button that he opened on his chest.

Jungkook doesn't say anything for a moment. He only watches the omega's hand move across his body, eventually touching his skin, and he finds himself enjoying it. He hates the summer for how warm it is, it is his least favourite season. It always feels like the air becomes less breathable, more suffocating, and clothes become unbearable. He has always preferred winter. That cool breeze that brushes against his face whenever he's outside, the sound of the rain hitting the ground and the scenery of the grey clouds moving in the sky, throwing a pale cast over everything in the streets. The fog escapes his mouth whenever his warm breath meets the cold air of Seoul. Many would find it depressing, but Jungkook has always thrived. Winter, to him, is beautiful. Nothing compares to that cool breeze that tickles his cheeks and has his nose actually feeling cold to the touch. The cold numbs him, and as he watches Taehyung trying to help him, he thinks for that same moment of silence that Taehyung definitely compares to winter.

Taehyung's touch against his hot skin calms him down. His warm hands meet the warmth of the alpha's own skin and it feels cool, soothing, and numbing. It feels like despite all of the suffocation and the limited air, Taehyung's touch against his skin cools him down, and lets him breathe properly. Frees him from suffocation. After gasping for breath, he can finally feel the air entering his lungs.

Jungkook wraps his hands around the omega's wrists gently, pausing his movements. Taehyung looks up at him, his eyes a little wide before he notices how calm the alpha looks. He lets out a breath of relief, his body relaxing in Jungkook's hold.

"I'm okay," Jungkook reassures, his voice barely above a whisper, looking down at the omega with an unreadable gaze. Taehyung nods his head, lowering their hands slowly. "What happened?"

"I felt suffocated for a moment," Jungkook exhaled gently, let go of the omega's wrists, and reached for his jacket that rested on the omega's shoulder. He rests it on his arm before stuffing his hand in his pocket.

"Let's take a car instead of the bus, it'd be more comfortable for you," Taehyung suggests, hurrying behind the alpha when he starts walking again. The omega soon catches up to him, walking by his side with a slight pout on his lips. He feels worried.

"No," Jungkook replies simply, his eyes ahead, walking like nothing happened.

"Why not? There's nothing special about a bus! Let's just get a car, okay?"

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