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Jungkook rolls on his back, his chest rising and falling gently as he breathes. Taehyung curls against him, placing his head on his chest, his leg around his torso. The side of the alpha's lip quirks up, his arm immediately going around the omega, and gently ruffles his hair.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Jungkook asks quietly, his free hand reaching over to caress his jaw. Taehyung raises his head to look at the alpha, a smile displayed on his lips. He hums. "I'm more than okay. You were gentle, I'm not hurt."

The alpha lets out a sigh of relief, "You are such a menace."

Taehyung feigns offence, his bottom lip forming a pout as his eyebrows furrow, "What did I do!"

"You were teasing me all day, were you not?" Jungkook pokes at his side, causing the omega to giggle, shoving the alpha's hand away.

"I was not!"


"It's not my fault that you cannot resist me."

The alpha parades a lopsided smile at that. He is right. When was Jungkook ever able to resist the omega? He tried so many times, and not one trial worked. Taehyung bulldozed his way into the walls he built between them, and it's not bothering the alpha too much. He is grateful that Taehyung is as stubborn as he is. Otherwise, Jungkook would still be locking himself in his office, drowning in endless works and paper sheets, alone. Completely.

He likes this better. He likes having someone by his side. He never knew what that felt like, but now that he does, he doesn't think he can ever go back to how it was. He loves someone, and somehow, that person loves him as well. Somehow, amidst all his flaws, Taehyung found pieces of him that were still not damaged and decided that these pieces were still worth fighting for.

"Thank you," Jungkook breathes out, his eyes landing on the omega who raises his head back up, staring at him with almond eyes that have, unbeknownst to them, redeemed him. Those gentle, almond-shaped eyes. Jungkook thinks that by now, no one has stared into those eyes more than him.

"For what?" Taehyung frowns, confused.

"For being here. For being such a pure, kind soul. I really don't deserve you," Jungkook murmurs quietly, his arm tightening around the omega, pulling him closer. Taehyung shakes his head, his cheek rubbing against the alpha's chest.

"Hyung, you're not a bad person. You deserve good things. If you think that I'm good, then you deserve me. You have always deserved good things. You just never let it happen to you. Please, don't do that anymore. Let the world compensate you for how cruelly you have been treated." Taehyung reaches up, cupping the alpha's jaw and gently rubs his thumb against his skin.

"I already did. I let you in."


Water trickles down the omega's face as he stands still, eyes closed, and his arms wrapped around the alpha's shoulders. Jungkook has his face against the crook of the omega's neck, trailing kisses down his skin. With every press of the alpha's lips, Taehyung feels shivers. His kisses are gentle, too light, and they feel too good against his skin. The alpha moves his hands up the omega's hips, his waist, and squeezes there, pulling him closer. Their naked bodies are pressed together as they hold each other in silence.

Jungkook was going to hop back into the shower after cuddling for a bit, but Taehyung didn't want to let go, instead, he followed the alpha into the shower just to hold him in there. Jungkook doesn't know why the omega is clingy all of a sudden, but he's not complaining about it. It feels nice. It feels nice to be held under running water like this, peaceful.

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