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Jungkook feels like he has been driving for hours. He has been, but it is not as much as it feels like. When the place where they're staying comes into sight, the alpha feels his whole body relax. He doesn't know what is wrong with him, but he has a very heavy feeling in his chest that is almost not letting him breathe properly. It feels like a stone that has been dropped on the centre of his chest and was left there for the alpha to struggle to breathe and perhaps choke. It could be an exaggeration, but this is what it feels like to the alpha. He is feeling overwhelmed. Yes. This is it. This is the word that describes the way he's feeling. When he went to visit the omega's grandmother, he did it so thoughtlessly. He didn't think about anything else other than that he didn't want to see that sadness in the omega's eyes any longer. Taehyung was happy for most of the day yesterday, and when they lost their light and became dull with obvious hurt, he couldn't take it. He felt like he needed to immediately do something, and what was better than bringing the omega to see his grandmother?

He made the right decision. He knows that he did, but what is overwhelming him is how interrogative the woman is. He knows that she is overprotective, and rightfully so. She hasn't seen her grandson in so many years, and when the day finally comes when she sees him, he brings his husband whom he was basically forced to marry. He knows that it's not a good look. Of course, it isn't. But, God, did she make him nervous. He couldn't sleep well all night, and if he is being honest, he didn't sleep at all. He just couldn't get comfortable. He did feel like he should sleep with one eye open, especially since he had to share a bed with the omega. Being married totally justifies that, but in Jungkook's eyes, nothing ever justifies his existence to the old woman. He really was eager to please her and did his best, but as they were leaving, he wasn't sure if he achieved that. After all, she still didn't give her blessings, or at least, she didn't announce it out loud. Part of the reason why the alpha is a little nervous is that as he was getting in his car, he noticed the woman pulling the omega aside and whispering something in his eyes, and he assumed that it was probably about him. He wonders what she said. Did she say that she still disapproves of him? Did she say that he is no good to the omega? Did she refuse to give her blessings? Did she tell the omega to leave him?

Too many questions, all of them negative, and to ease the continuous suffocating feeling in his chest, the alpha let out a breath he was holding.

Chaewon wasn't the only reason that he felt overwhelmed. It was his proclamation. This newfound word to describe the bunch of feelings swirling within his whole being with no barriers or limits. He finally acknowledged them, put a name on them, and after feeling so at ease back at Daegu after confessing, after feeling so liberated and free, he is feeling overwhelmed, almost panicking. He feels quite vulnerable, and he doesn't like it. Not at all. He has let himself be vulnerable more times than he would like, and it is so out of character. Jungkook is barely emotional and is barely vulnerable. He is well put together, calm, quiet and collected. He wonders what happened to him so suddenly, and why is he all of a sudden this person cannot keep his feelings at bay. It could be because after so many years, he exploded and let it all out, or it could be that he is simply losing control of himself, but as he stares at the house for a second, and turns his head towards the omega in his passenger seat, he immediately realises why he seems to be a whole different person now.

Taehyung is in the passenger seat, sleeping. His head is resting against the window, soft snores escaping his parted lips. Travelling, Jungkook notices, seems to tire the omega out no matter how much he sleeps or no matter how much rest he gets. Unlike Jungkook, Taehyung has slept through the entire night with his whole body almost lying on top of the alpha. Jungkook was used as a human-sized pillow, but he didn't mind. He didn't sleep, but he did let the omega get as much sleep as he wanted. Taehyung was the last one to wake up, in fact, they did leave a little late since Jungkook did let him sleep a little more, yet, the omega slept through the entire ride as well.

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