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The alpha’s words are frantic, and his eyes are wide as he tries to defend himself in front of the omega before him. He feels overwhelmed, and cornered. The accusations are ringing in his ear, and his skin crawls. “Jimin,” The alpha breathes out, his tone pleading. He does not know what he is pleading for, but he finds himself relaxing when the omega wraps his arms around him, his hand moving up and down his spine in order to provide some sort of comfort for the alpha. Jungkook closes his eyes as Jimin holds him, a worried look etched onto the omega’s face.

They have been friends for long. Hearing and witnessing his friend being accused of such horrible things makes him both livid and concerned. He knows how Jungkook is, how he would blame himself for the world’s worst doings. Jungkook owns up to mistakes that are not necessarily even his, he feels responsible for anything bad. Jimin considers it a curse that has gained control over the alpha ever since the death of Jeon Hari. As the omega attempts to comfort the alpha, he thinks to himself that this is not something that Jungkook should hold himself accountable for. To him, it is completely absurd to accuse the alpha of things like this. Despite the teasing and the jokes, Jimin knows. Jimin knows Jungkook would never lay a hand on Taehyung. Jimin knows that Jungkook would never even think about it. The man that calls him to ask what to do for the younger omega in heat, would never be anything close to what Seojoon accused him of. Jimin knows. He is only worried that the alpha himself does not know.

“You are not what he accuses you of.” The omega repeats, his voice firm, and confident. His tone is strong, never hesitating. He wants Jungkook to know, to be as sure as him that he would never be this. “You can never be. Yes, Taehyung was seventeen when you met him, but did you know him?” The omega is now pulling away to catch the alpha’s eyes. Jungkook looks at the omega with a frown on his face, his throat bobbing as he swallows. “Did you?” Jimin stresses, his eyebrows pulling together.

“No.” The alpha utters quietly.

“Right. No. You didn’t. You didn’t know him, you only met him twice and that was it. Seojoon was someone Taehyung trusted as a minor, Jungkook. He was supposed to be his friend. A damn friend. Seojoon knew Taehyung as a minor when he was still naive and too trusting. He knows that younger version of Taehyung so well and he…” Jimin’s face twists in disgust, his lips curling in revulsion. Jungkook clenches his jaw, gritting his teeth as he listens to the omega talk. “He knows him and he wanted that. As a young, naive teenager. His feelings started there, and it is fucking disgusting, Jungkook. Did you even spare Taehyung a second glance then?”

Jungkook does not answer, but Jimin already knows the answer. Jungkook did not. Jimin, after knowing the truth, now knows that the alpha did not even like the young omega to begin with. “You didn’t know him. You refused to know him. It angers you, and it disgusts you that he would think of Taehyung like that, does it not?”

“This is the difference between a fucking predator and a decent human being, Jungkook. He’s just trying to get to you. Don’t even think twice about what that idiot says, it’s not worth paying attention to.” Jimin pulls away completely then, releasing a breath when noticing that the alpha seems a lot steadier than a few minutes ago.

The sound of barefoot steps catches both of their attention, Jimin’s head turns to the source of the sound until the young omega appears, his eyes half asleep he looks directly at the alpha standing a little too close to the omega. Taehyung frowns, walking closer until he is standing the closest to the alpha towering over both of them. Jungkook inhales gently as he turns to face the omega who wraps a hand around his forearm. “Why did you leave?”

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