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The kiss is slow at first, experimental. Taehyung is careful, testing the waters, and waits for the alpha to possibly change his mind. Their lips close around each other and separate ever so slightly, just touching and hovering over each other as they stay close, none of them pulling away. Jungkook is not taking control of the kiss, he is letting the omega lead it, letting the omega kiss him like he's scared of what the alpha will react to if it's any more rushed. Taehyung's grip on the alpha's sleeve tightens, the barely there tug indicating the omega's desire to have him closer. After a few minutes, Taehyung pulls away enough for him to open his eyes and look up at the alpha who is looking down at his lips instead. The omega's parted lips press together slightly, his tongue poking through them to wet his lips, and Jungkook is suddenly not satisfied with what he's gotten.

The alpha is unconsciously leaning in, forgetting about the voices in his head, and the heavy feeling in his chest, he ignores them all. He forgets about everything for a moment. At this moment, nothing occupies his mind except Taehyung and the need to connect their lips. His hands come up to cup the omega's jaw, putting no power at all into pulling his face forward because the omega easily goes, his lips parting to let the alpha slot them back together. Their lips fit perfectly against each other and Taehyung melts into him. His body relaxes as he naturally leans forward, moves closer to him and loses himself, entirely, to the alpha.

Jungkook can tell by the way Taehyung kisses that he's very inexperienced and innocent. He's a little messy, and a little bit hesitant. Jungkook doesn't care. He leads the kiss. He angles his head to deepen the kiss, slotting their lips together as the alpha's enclose over the omega's upper lip. He leans into him, and it causes Taehyung to continue to lean back until he's on his back on the floor, Jungkook hovering over him and consuming him with his body's warmth. The sound of the smacking of their lips fills the air and the omega's legs part unconsciously, inviting the alpha between them and having him closer. Jungkook's body is moving on its own as he settles between his legs, one of his hands holding Taehyung's face as he kisses them.

The omega is soon running out of breath, his eyes looking like he's sleepy as he pulls away to breathe, his lips parted as he breathes heavily. The alpha's thumb caresses his jaw, his eyes solely focused on his lips. "Through your nose, cub." The alpha quietly whispers, barely giving the omega any time to respond before he connects their lips back together, this time trapping the omega's bottom lip between his own.

Taehyung feels like his body is on cloud nine as he feels Jungkook all around him, on him. One of his hands wraps itself around the alpha's wrist, not to pull away, but only to keep him there. His other hand is moving up his bicep, grasping at his sleeve desperately as if he's scared that the moment he lets go of him, he'll disappear. He tries to breathe through his nose, tries to calm his racing heart and regulate his breath, but it's hard with how hard Jungkook is kissing him.

As he lets himself lose himself in the feeling of his alpha consuming him, he feels an almost painful tug at his heart. His chest feels too full. His lungs now feel so full of air that he was gasping just a few seconds ago to the point where it aches. Behind his closed eyelids, he feels that sting back again. He feels the burning of his eyes as they fight the tears already forming behind them, escaping without his permission, and rolling down the sides of his head onto the carpet as he holds onto Jungkook tighter. His legs close around the alpha's torso slightly, subtle and an unconscious attempt at holding him as close as he possibly could. His eyebrows twitch as the pain in his chest becomes too sharp to ignore. His lips part to release some of the tension in his chest, and it breaks the kiss. Jungkook seems to not notice, taking the omega's lower lip between his teeth instead and gently nibbling on it with a gentle tug.

It's like this, in between kissing, and after his heartfelt confession that Taehyung realises why it hurts so much. This moment of epiphany, it brings these tears that are escaping his closed eyelids. Taehyung, finally, realises just to what extent he has fallen in love with the alpha. He is in love with him, and their indefinite future, the fact that his forever presence is not guaranteed, that whatever it is between them may not last, it all turns the kiss that he has been waiting for for a long time into a painful one, bringing him to tears. It feels like he is mourning his loss beforehand, dreading the fact that it could happen. This moment of epiphany makes him notice that he loves Jungkook to an extent that cannot be described or put into words, and instead of being happy that his declaration of love is being rewarded with a kiss, he feels scared instead. He feels scared that he might still lose Jungkook after all. He is scared because even though he is kissing him, he does not tell him if his feelings are reciprocated. He did not tell him anything. It's just a kiss.

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