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Jungkook switches back and forth between looking through his never-ending files and the constant emails and files on his laptop that needs to be done, signed, and authorised by him. He leans back in his seat, his hands working through the file he currently has a hold of before a knock interrupts him. His eyes stay stuck on the papers for a few seconds before they move up and see who knocked. The omega walks in, his scent is a little sour, indicating either anxiety or stress.

Taehyung does not know if the alpha remembers anything, he did not acknowledge anything this morning. Taehyung expected him to, he expected him to question why he was in his room still, and why he was so close for no reason. Taehyung was sure that the alpha would be full of questions, but Jungkook did not acknowledge any of it, and it did spark the thought of maybe the alpha was indeed drunk, but the brief observation he has made of the alpha had never been seen drinking to the point of drunkenness and unconsciousness debunks it almost immediately. He did offer him a ride to work, and that was mostly all conversation they had for the day.

Jungkook on the other hand did not remember much from last night, he doesn’t know whether it was because he was out of it all day, barely slept, and exhausted, or because he was simply dreaming. The only thing his memory allows him to recall for now is himself falling asleep and waking up briefly to find Taehyung right in front of him, the tip of their noses almost touching from how close they were. The alpha is not aware if it was a dream or not, but he doesn’t remember much of it. All he can comprehend is that he was having yet another nightmare that haunted him like every other night, and it suddenly was not too scary anymore when he opened his eyes. The scent of sweet strawberries was all he could smell, and those familiar almond, startled eyes were everything within his vision. He does not know if it was part of his dream nor does he know if it was reality, but he chooses to discard it as just that, a fever dream.

Taehyung is steady in the way he walks, the medium heels of his shoes making a click-clacking noise that indicates his approach, and if he might appear steady and collected on the outside, Taehyung thinks his steps falter under the gaze that gives away nothing. Jungkook does nothing to acknowledge him except look at him as he moves closer, and Taehyung thinks to himself that it was too absurd of him to suddenly feel self-conscious around the alpha. It was almost laughable how the way he carried himself now is more coy compared to how angrily and bold he carried himself around the alpha before. Was it because he was too aware that he now feels for the all of a sudden alluring alpha? Had he known acknowledging his complex feelings would make him look like an idiot, he wouldn’t have dared to even think about it. He repeatedly scolds himself for everything he does, the unsteady steps, his tense shoulders, and his lowered eyes, all of them that Jungkook does not even notice.

“I need you to call Mr Hwang for me,” Taehyung utters when he is right in front of the alpha who cocks an eyebrow in his direction. Jungkook leans back in his seat, the tattooed hand around the file discards it on the desk as he gives the omega his full attention.

“What would you ever want from him?” The alpha inquires, his tone a little curious, and a little bewildered.

“I need Min Hyun’s phone number.”

“Who the hell is Min Hyun?”

“It’s his son, Jungkook. The one going to college this year too.” Taehyung explains with a bite of sarcasm to his tone, completely forgetting that he was ever nervous and relaxed. The alpha stares for a moment, still not recognising who the omega is talking about. It takes a few more seconds for it to hit the alpha, and his whole aura subtly darkens, his scent having a hint of sourness. He pushes his tongue against his inner cheek.

“What do you need that boy for?”

“I don’t know when I should go yet, he said he’d go with me but I never got the chance to get his contact number. So, please do get it for me.”

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