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Yoongi knocks once before he is walking inside Jungkook's office, raising the letter in his hand and then putting it down in front of the alpha when he gets near him. Jungkook lowers the file in his hand, taking a look at the letter. "SNU?"

Yoongi nods, "Yes, the admission letter." The older alpha then raises his eyebrow at the man as he lets out a breath he was holding, leaning back against his chair.

Yoongi smirks. "You are fond of him."

Jungkook arches a brow, staring at the elder for a moment and when his smirk doesn't subside, he scoffs. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, let me elaborate then. You are fond of Taehyung. Better?"

Jungkook rolls his eyes, placing his file down and standing up to his feet as he turns to walk towards the windows. He crosses his arms over his chest as he leans against the glass, breathing in the cold air.

"Hari...she would be proud of you."

Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut at the mention of her name. He feels nauseous, and his heart clenches painfully in his chest. Under his arms, his fists are held into fists. The alpha looks sick.

Yoongi comes to stand beside Jungkook when he doesn't reply, they stand silently side by side as they look down at the busy streets when Jungkook slowly opens his eyes. Cars pass by quickly and Jungkook's eyes keep moving from one car to the other, trying to ignore how heavy he feels. He suddenly feels too much. He feels the bones within his body, he feels his heart pumping blood to his whole body, and he feels how heavy his feet are against the tiles beneath him.

He feels it all, and his eyes burn. They sting with moisture he has forgotten the feeling of for years. He feels too much all at the same time, it is overwhelming. Exhausting.


"For heaven's sake, please. Stop saying her name, Yoongi." Jungkook whispers, his eyes moving to the other side so they wouldn't meet the alpha's sympathetic ones.

"I just want you to know that it is okay to let yourself be happy, Jungkook." Yoongi sighs, reaching to hold the alpha's upper arm. Jungkook willingly turns to him, his eyes wide and glossy as he stares back at the older alpha.

"Be happy? Do you think I feel anything other than sympathy for him? Whatever is going on in your head, get rid of it. This is not what this is about at all."

"What is it then? Why are you doing this for him?"

"He just..." He trails off, pulling back. He leans back against the window, averting his eyes away from the elder.


Yoongi doesn't push him anymore, he knows when to let go.

Jungkook stands there against the window and just stares outside. He doesn't know for how long he stands there, he doesn't feel it when Yoongi leaves, and he doesn't feel it when the night starts spreading across the sky above him.

He stands there and sees Taehyung's face before his open eyes. His crescent eyes. His smile. The look he had in his eyes that day on the beach in Jeju, he sees it all in detail before his eyes.

Then he remembers the next day when Taehyung talked about his family. He remembers how his feet suddenly felt glued to the floor the moment the omega mentioned his brother.

Jungkook believed him, not because the omega or his story was believable, but because he wanted to believe him. He wanted to because as he stood before him, he saw her.

As he cried, he saw the tears in her eyes. When he screamed at him, he heard her voice screaming at him.

He felt like he was a teenager again while his sister screamed at him, questioning him with tears soaking up her face about why she was so unloved. She asked him why he was the reason for her misery.

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