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Taehyung doesn’t think he has felt sincerely angry over anything ever since fourth grade when his classmate broke his ruler and he broke into a fit of crying, red in the face, and let out the loudest, most ear-piercing scream that had ever left his lungs. He felt equally angry right this instant, and the reason for it was Hwang Min Hyun. A scowl takes over his face as he drops his arms from around the alpha, waiting for him to say anything else, but he doesn’t, and Taehyung knows the moment is gone. 

He gave up waiting for the alpha to do the slightest thing because the other alpha at the door was ringing the doorbell nonstop, he couldn’t entirely blame the alpha that is his husband, it was basically impossible to have any conversation over the obnoxious sound of the damn doorbell. Taehyung, already on his way down the stairs, let out an exasperated sigh. Min Hyun is not even considered a close friend yet, but the omega had no problem kicking his ass, in a friendly way, of course. 

The omega pulls the door open quite aggressively, a frown on his face as he watches a startled Min Hyun with his hand in the air, ready to ring the bell again. The younger alpha’s lips spread into a wide grin when he regains composure, holding both of his backpack straps over his shoulder. 

“I’ll kill you.” Taehyung retorts, scowling. 

Min Hyun’s grin widens, chuckling lightly. “Well, good morning to you too, Taetae.”

Taehyung didn’t typically hate mornings, but for the sake of the completely uncalled-for interruption, he decides that he hates this morning, and he hates Min Hyun even more for it. He did not plan on confessing his feelings to Jungkook. In fact, he was not sure he was in his right mind at that moment, and weirdly enough, he felt relieved. He has been aware of his feelings for almost only a couple of weeks, and he did not plan on confessing so soon, and he did not realise the intensity of his feelings until the moment he was debating whether to say ‘I like you’, or ‘I love you’. Taehyung has no idea what to make of his feelings anymore, but he knows he’s incredibly attracted to the alpha, and the damage is done. He confessed. He wanted to hear what the alpha had to say about it, he wanted to know if there was hope, if he felt the same, if he was attracted to him too but unsure of his feelings because of his doubts, or if he did not feel the same about him at all and did not even think of him so intimately. He wanted to know so badly, even though the last possibility would break his heart terribly. He knew Jungkook was going to reply, he was going to say something before the alpha standing at his door rudely interrupted. He feels frustrated. 

Taehyung sighs, there is no point in sulking or giving Min Hyun a good scolding, the moment is gone, and the omega did not see him, but possibly the alpha is gone as well. 

“I don’t want to go already,” Taehyung grumbles, feeling bummed. Min Hyun imitates his frown playfully, crossing his arms over his chest. “I did not take you for such a grumpy morning person.” 

“I am not, but I was kind of in the middle of something,” Taehyung whines, and Min Hyun suppresses a chuckle at the omega’s cute tantrum. The young alpha’s eyes move behind the omega, his eyebrows shooting up in amusement to see Jeon Jungkook right behind him, a deep frown on his face as he stares him down. Min Hyun holds his gaze, his eyes shining with amusement at how Taehyung is not even aware of his husband trying to intimidate him. Jungkook is taller, easily towering over the omega. Min Hyun would say that the omega’s eyebrows are on the same level as the alpha’s lips. But, Min Hyun is equally tall, maybe an inch shorter, but he is tall nevertheless, so he only scoffs.

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