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Taehyung buries his bloody hands into his hair, slightly tugging at the roots as he curls in on himself, his elbows resting against his knees in the waiting area, outside the room that the alpha is currently in, getting taken care of. The omega leans back, his hands dropping against his thighs as his tired eyes settle on Yoongi standing with the cops a couple of feet away, nodding to some of what they're saying, and countering some of what they're saying. The alpha looks dishevelled as he gives some of the details the omega has provided him for the cops. Taehyung doesn't think he has seen Yoongi as anxious and on guard as he is right now.

Back in the alley, Taehyung had to pull out his phone and call for a medical emergency first. He filled them in with the alpha's condition, his identity, and their location. Second thing he did was call the police while they waited for the ambulance. The omega, on the way to the hospital, called Yoongi. Taehyung was crying, as he was telling him that he needed to come to Busan as fast as he could.

The alpha on the phone sounded distraught, the news falling on him like a thousand bricks, and through the phone, Taehyung could already hear the alpha moving around in hurry. Yoongi took a flight to Busan, and after around two hours and forty minutes, the alpha was already there, on his way to where Jungkook had been hospitalised.

Taehyung straightens when he sees the alpha approaching. Yoongi's steps halted in front of him, "They need you to testify on what happened because you were the one there." The alpha says tiredly, his voice sounding exhausted.

The omega nods, rising to his feet and walks back to where the cops are standing. Taehyung bows slightly in greeting before straightening, watching how they bow back at him. "Can you tell us what exactly happened?"

"I don't know, I just—" The omega breathes in, and lets it out slowly, attempting to ease the ache in his chest. The omega recounts it all from the beginning for them. Starting from Jungkook going out to buy some fruits and drinks, finding him struggling with one of the men, badly injured, to having to fight some of them himself.

"He sent you his live location?" The cop questions.

Taehyung nods, "I think he felt like something was wrong. I don't know what happened before I arrived, I just only realised how odd he has been moving in that specific alley and never leaving for a long time."

The cop nods, his eyes moving back to the alpha by the omega's side, "We still need to hear what he has to say about this. In the meantime, we'll take care of the assaulters. They're currently getting treatment for their injuries, but all of them are alive. They'll be taken into police custody as soon as they are discharged."

"I shot one of them, is he also well?" The omega asks nervously, his eyebrows twisting in worry. He has been thinking about this after he had time to calm down and think about what happened only a few hours ago. No matter what, he doesn't want to kill a person. He doesn't want to be a reason why someone lost his life, no matter what. He doesn't want to live with the fact that he killed someone.

The cop nods, "The bullet didn't pierce any vital organs. He will be fine. Don't worry, Taehyungssi. We understand that it was self defence."

Taehyung lets out a breath, his shoulders sagging. He feels a hand resting on his back between his shoulders, patting him twice. He looks to his right at Yoongi who gives him a nod.

The sound of doors opening catches their attention as the doctor walks out with nurses following behind him, pushing a trolley with the alpha on it. Taehyung's heartbeat picks up speed, his eyes slightly widening as he moves towards them. The doctor stops in front of the omega while the nurses continue on their way, taking the alpha with them.

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