Forty Six

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Pushing a loose hair strand behind my ear, I waited for the traffic light to change. After face-timing Lando on how the car worked, I was surprised he wasn't worried in any way but rather amused. With the roof down, I carefully drove around Monaco with the GPS on since I barely knew where to go. Waving to a few people who noticed me, I was beginning to feel embarrassed.

Thankfully I arrived at the small café I promised with my family, giving the keys to the chalet and went in. I squealed hugging my mother, the two of us excited to see each other. After hugging my dad too, I sat next to Archie who I swear grew bigger than the last time I met him. It was my family's first time in Monaco so I understood how excited they were, especially since all their expenses were paid for by me. A little token of appreciation to them.

We all laughed at Archie's comment on how beautiful the city was, him loving the supercars that zips through the streets especially. Wait until he sees Lando's car I drove in. Enjoying our brunch out, I lay my head on Archie's head to annoy him which it did.

"Have you been with Lando?", my mother suddenly asked. Looking up at her, I watch her facial expression. They believed that Lando and I were just friends so that question definitely didn't mean it in a hows-your-relationship-with-lando type of way. Coughing the lump in my throat, I stayed calm. "Yes"

Simply answering, I avoided eye contact with her because she always knew if anything happened through me. I nodded my head every now and then, zoning out my mom's voice. "You should get a boyfriend, sweetie", I heard her say making me choke on my food. She looked at me in concern as I cough, people in the café looking at me.

"What is wrong with you, Audrie?", her eyebrows furrowed. "Are you hiding something from me?"

My eyes widened, avoiding her gaze. "Audrie", she said. From the corner of my eyes, my dad chuckled knowing what was going to happen. You can't really say no to my mom. I fidgeted, pursing my lips. This news is definitely not something appropriate to tell right here, especially when everyone else could eave's drop too.

"Not here, mom"

Her eyes squinted and her arms crossed, making me feel more nervous. Trying to stand my ground, I lean back in my seat staring at her. My dad and Archie watches us beside us. "Okay fine!", I gave in to my mother's satisfaction.

"I'm da-lysbdkfbd", I mumbled.


"I'm da-bdhsksj", I mumbled again.

"Honey, speak up!"

"I'm-", I smacked my hand on the table a little too hard. Breathing out, I calm myself down. "I'm with Lando", I whispered. My parents looked at me confused.

"What?", my mom asked again. My eyes wandered around us, seeing some people watching us. Damn it. Leaning forward to which my parents did too, I whispered again. "I'm in a relationship with Lando."

My mom gasped really loud, my face in my hands to cover myself. Her seat moved and the next thing I knew, she pulled me up from my chair and hugged me. "I knew it! I told you I knew it!", she said to my dad.

"Excuse me?", I asked confused. Why does everyone keep saying that?

While Archie was too engrossed with his steak and fries, I was blushing with my mom sharing his theories. "I knew when you and Archie went to Belgium with -", nearly saying Lando's name, "with him. I mean why else would he bring you and Archie right?"

"He was being nice, mom", she scoffed.

"Tell me how you two got together. I thought he was with that..Luisa girl"

"Shhhhh", I shushed her. She waved it off and waited with her crossed arms on the table. Sighing, I gave in and started telling her the full story. Like two teen girls dishing on our crushes, she was ooh-ing like crazy making me blush. "Mummm", I whined shyly.

After more minutes of story time, my mother looked satisfied while my dad kept rolling his eyes at the girl talk. She walked out with me with an arm around me, her only daughter probably in her peak now. Giving the ticket to the valet, we waited for the car. When it pulled up, I nudged Archie. "Archie, look"

I chuckled, not only Archie but even my parents reveled at the dark blue McLaren. "Thank you", I smiled to the valet.

"That's yours?", my dad with gaping mouth asked.

"No way! It's...uhhh...his"

"He gave it to you?!"

"Noooo", I laughed, "he just borrowed it to me for the day."

"Can I borrow it?", my dad joked. Kissing them goodbye, I walked around to the driver's seat. "I'll see you tomorrow?", they nodded. I winked at them and climbed into the car then drove off before I could block the streets. With my shades on, I drove around the city to kill more time before I went back to Lando's apartment.

Roommates Mismatched: Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now