Twenty Six

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Lando took a seat next to the expert and waited patiently as the man hooked him to the machine. With a secure tight sleeve around Lando's arm, it was time for the video's grand finale. Unlike before Max, with a mischievous glint in his eye, took on the role of questioner for Lando's round. The initial questions were light-hearted and fun, but then Max decided to add a more personal touch.

"Okay, Lando," Max began with a grin, "let's get a bit more personal. Have you ever had a celebrity crush?"

Lando chuckled, feeling relaxed. "Well, there have been a few famous people who caught my eye, so I guess that's a yes."

The lie detector machine confirmed his truthfulness with a steady line.

Ria, picking up on the playful atmosphere, decided to dig deeper. "Lando, have you ever thought about what you'd be doing if you weren't an F1 driver?"

Lando nodded, "Yeah, maybe a professional golfer"

The lie detector machine continued to indicate that he was telling the truth.

Then, Steve, with a grin that hinted at a more intriguing question, leaned in. "Lando, have you ever had a secret crush on someone who's very close to us? Maybe within Quadrant?"

Ria and I was shocked by Steve's question, putting the both of us on the spot since we are the only girls in the group. Max and Steve defended, emphasizing the question on whoever Lando's close to us. Agreeing on the question specifically, we leaned forward, curious to see how Lando would respond.

Lando's cheeks turned slightly pink as he hesitated for a moment. He then smiled and answered, "I had."

I couldn't help but feel my heart skip a beat at his response. The lie detector machine, however, detected a subtle spike in Lando's physiological responses, indicating that he might not be entirely truthful.

We all gasped in shock and exchanged knowing glances except Max and Steve satisfied in cornering Lando after his series of truths. Saving his privacy, we of course left it at that. The challenge continued with more laughter and camaraderie, but Lando's lie left an air of mystery and curiosity hanging in the room, especially for me, who couldn't help but wonder if there was more to his answer than met the eye.

Roommates Mismatched: Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now