Thirty One

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Hiding in my room for days, I spend my days laying in bed thinking about how my life has been ruined. Thankfully we were on a break from doing youtube videos, the time filled with my depression. God I really hit rock bottom. Munching on a bag of chips while i wear a face mask, my eyes stayed on my PC screen watching probably my third movie today.

Groaning, I heard a knock on my door. "Audrie!", Ria's voice muffled from the door. Regretting my door was unlocked, she barged in. "Oh baby", she gloomed but with a hint of laughter. Throwing a chip to her, I scowl at her. For the past couple of days, almost everyone tried pulling me out of my room. I nearly did gave in when I heard Lando's voice amongst the boys outside my door. I could hear them quietly scheming what to say to me. Of course it didn't work.

Booing at Ria, she turned my screen off and grabbed the bag of chips away from me. "Audrie Hughes, get your ass up right now and leave this room!", she bellowed. I groaned, covering my duvet up to my face. Hearing her footsteps shuffling around, I waited for her to leave but all of a sudden, she yanked my duvet off of the bed. I gasp in shock.

"Audrie! Grow uppp!!", she screamed and pulled my leg. The both of us ended up screaming, fight each other. She gasped when I accidentally pushed her off, my eyes widen in fear. "That's it!", she screamed making me scream when she jumped on me, pinning me down.

"Ria, get off of me!"

More footsteps came, one by one the boys came into my room bursting into fits of laughters watching me fight with Ria. "Okay, stop", Steve shouted. Glaring at Ria, both of our hair were tangled up and her makeup a bit smudged. Our mouths stretched into a smile, chuckling at the fact we just wrestled each other.

"Take a shower and get dressed! We're going out!", everyone left with Ria demanding me. I huffed at the strand of hair covering my face, seeing my reflection after days of cooped up. Yeah I do need to freshen up.

Roommates Mismatched: Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now