Forty One

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The house was warm from the heaters and the crackling fireplace. In the corner, a huge Christmas tree hung decorated with ornaments looking very festive. The temperature went down, everyone now in thick sweaters. The smell of cookies wafted from the kitchen to the whole house, us girls busy baking treats for everyone to enjoy.

Hearing the door open, we heard laughters and footsteps coming in to the kitchen. I could feel myself giddy when Lando came with a smile, standing right beside me. His arms kept going over me to annoy Cicsa, Lando doing big brother things. Swatting his hand from touching the cookies, it was fresh out of the oven so I could imagine him burning his fingers off. But of course, he still took one and ran off after winking at me.

The day continued, all of us just lazing around together. While the kids were with their grandmother inside, the rest of us stayed outside. Lando being the jokester he's always been, he kept blowing people with the leaf blower. We both laughed when he pointed the machine to me, my hair flying around.

Their compound was huge, a modern barn style house with massive backyard. We walked around the yard, going further through the woods that connects to the house. Avoiding puddles and muddy roads, thankfully we were wearing boots before we went for this spontaneous walk. My shoulder kept bumping with Lando along the way, each of us busy in our own side of conversation.

"Is that...", I hear Cisca spoke from the front. At the same time, I felt something on my cheeks. All of a sudden, rain started pouring hard, everyone running back to the house. We were desperate to take cover especially in this cold weather too. Lando's mom opened the door with Mila in her arms, an exasperated experience on her face seeing each one of us clambering in, the floor muddy from our boots.

She was fuming, shouting at the mess while we shivered from the cold rain. "Lando, go get the towels!", she demanded, "and don't flood the floor!"

When Lando came back with piles of fluffy towels, his mom ordered everyone to take a warm shower before dinner starts. Shuffling to the guest bedroom I was given to, I started to get undressed only the same time as Lando knocked and came in. Screaming his name, I cover my half naked body with the wet towel.

"Sorry! Just wanted to...", he said covering his eyes with his hand and then grabbed another spare towel that was on the chair. My face turned red, Lando winking before he closed the door. That cheeky twat.

Stepping into the warm shower, I stayed there a little longer, keeping my body temperature warm. Before my skin could prune, I stepped out and quickly got dressed, worried if anyone would come in again. Bundled up in a stripped zipper jumper with a t-shirt underneath and a pair of jersey flare pants, I left my hair down then went back out.

Bumping into Lando, as usual, we walked down the stairs nudging each other's elbows. We came down a bit early, helping his mum set up the table. A few minutes before he could tickle me to death, everyone came out of their rooms and joined us in the dining room. I slipped into a seat next to Lando, the beautiful long table in the middle with table decorations sprawled on it. Along the table, big smiles were on every faces as the candle lit cast a warm glow to the room. I felt so welcomed to the family, myself comforted by a really nice holiday with them.

Roommates Mismatched: Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now