Twenty Five

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Sitting in anticipation between Steve and Ria, we waited on the couch for the fun-filled lie detector test we were doing. A space emptied where Steve sat, Lando being told to scoot over. We watch Steve gets hooked up to the lie detector machine and an expert sat watching the machine move.

Max held the iPad where the questions were prepared for the video. "Okay Steve", Max paused for drama, "Have you ever pretended to be an F1 driver while driving your regular car?" We watch him laugh, shifting uncomfortably in his seat completely not prepared by the question. "Yes", Steve chuckled which the expert confirmed it. For the whole 11 minutes video, we took turns sitting in the hot seat. Soon enough it was my turn, the second last before Lando.

I wet my lips nervously, my right arm hooked up to the machine. A smile crept up my face seeing the four of them smirking at me. Thankfully the first few questions they gave me an easy one until it became heated up.

Ria grinned like a cheshire cat. "Audrie, were you starstruck when you met the Quadrant members for the first time?"

The four of them exchanged glances, myself grinning to Max and Lando since they were the first few I met after getting forced to share a house together. Taking my time to answer, Lando's infectious laugh made me laugh too. "No, I wasn't startstruck."

The machine started moving drastically, the expert announcing it was a lie. Max smiled, prodding me. "Who were you starstruck with?" God I wanted to kill him. My cheeks started to burn more at his question, biting my lips. Steve started listing down each of their names with Lando's lastly. The expert suddenly interfered, telling them there was a spike when Lando's name came up. Shit.

All of them erupted into laughter while Lando grinned really wide. I cover my face in embarrassment. "This machine is definitely broken!", I defended. The next question came from Steve.

"Audrie, have you ever watched a Formula 1 race just to see Lando race?"

I groaned at them, hating the question. "Why is this all about Lando!", I shrieked. Everyone laughed again while Steve probed me to answer. "Fine! Yes sometimes but I also watch the other drivers too! Like Charles"

Glaring at the expert, he gave a thumbs up. Thankfully Mary signaled us that I have one more question left. The iPad went to Max, me groaning for this to end. Looking up to me, Max's expression stayed stoic.

"Audrie, do you like anyone special?"

Lando, Ria and Steve peered to the iPad confused. I look at him in surprise, thinking how much the question has jumped from the previous one. The question started to weigh me down with everyone's anticipation. I stuttered, pursuing my lips and tried to figure out what to say.

"Well, I have a lot of friends, so yes, I like a lot of people." The lie detector machine stayed still, indicating I was telling the truth. While everyone else impressed by my answer, I sighed in relief but both Max and Lando looked at me awkwardly. Steve broke the awkwardness lingering in the air, myself taking a seat beside Max while it was Lando's turn. That was unexpected.

Roommates Mismatched: Lando NorrisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant