loser's groupchat

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Peter's phone POV: 
Word Count: 745
Spooktober Day Sixteen: Thread

*Peter opens phone at 9:01 p.m.*
*Peter opens 'loser's groupchat*

Peter: Did we have homework for Mr. Harrington's class?

Guy in the chair: yeah why?

Peter: Shit

My Loser: What happened?

Peter: Why do you automatically assume something has happened when I forget that we have homework?

Guy in the chair: do i need to pull up the screenshots?
Guy in the chair: you don't exactly have the best track record. 

My Loser: Well, it's too early for you to be in on patrol on your own terms, so either something happened and you need to pass the time or you aren't going to be able to do your homework. 


My Loser: I'll ask again. 
My Loser: What happened?

Peter: I just forgot we had homework. 

My Loser: Don't make me call Tony. 

Guy in the chair: there isn't anything on social media about spider-man getting hurt, so unless it happened less than twenty minutes ago, it's safe to say that peter's not hurt. 

My Loser: I simply refuse to believe that Peter is telling the truth. 

Peter: Ouch
Peter: Your words hurt. 
Peter: #justiceforpeter2023

My Loser: Oh, please. 
My Loser: Don't be dramatic. 
My Loser: I'm calling Tony right now. 

Peter: Tell him I said hi. Oh, and ask him if we're still good to hang out this weekend. 

Guy in the chair: don't you literally have his phone number?

Peter: Uh, yeah?

Guy in the chair: so why don't you call him?

Peter: M.J.'s already calling him. 

Guy in the chair: every day i wake up. 

Peter: Obviously. 

Guy in the chair: Have you always been so literal?

Peter: Yeah. I was born that way. 

Guy in the chair: I know

My Loser: He says that nothing showd up saying you got hurt in anyway, but he's still going to shoot you a text. 

Peter: Why doesn't anyone beleive the fact that I just forgot if we had homework.😭

My Loser: Because you never just forget homework. 

Peter: #justiceforpeter2023

Guy in the chair: #justiceforpeter2023

My Loser: Ned and Peter being dumb: A thread

Peter: #justiceforned2023

Guy in the chair: why am i getting hated on😭
Guy in the chair: #justiceforned2023

*One new notification from Iron Dad at 9:12 p.m.*
*Peter closes 'loser's groupchat'*
*Peter opens messages with Iron Dad*

Iron Dad: whats up with you kid

Peter: Nothing is up with me. 
Peter: I just forgot if we had homework for our one class, that's all. 

Iron Dad: are you sure

Peter: Yes, I am sure. 
Peter: I just couldn't remember if we had homework for this class or not. 
Peter: I'm all good, Mr. Stark. I promise. 

Iron Dad: okay
Iron Dad: if you arent you can always talk to me

Peter: Thank you <3

Iron Dad: heart back

Peter: That's not-
Peter: Nevermind. Thank you, Mr. Stark. 

*Peter takes a screenshot of messages from Iron Dad*
*Peter closes messages with Iron Dad*
*Peter opens 'loser's groupchat*

Peter: *screenshot from messages with Iron Dad*
Peter: I will only be using heart back from now on, thank you. 

My Loser: Wow

Guy in the chair: i've never seen something so beautiful in my entire life. 

Peter: Mr. Stark beind dumb: A thread
Peter: I could make that an actual thread. 
Peter: Mr. Stark is just unintentionally funny all the time. 

Guy in the chair: KWAPHETOAWU

My Loser: I'm sure he is. 
My Loser: Ned, I hate the way you keyboard smash. Stop doing it. 

Peter: Damn, M.J. You're being mean tonight. 

My Loser: -_-

Guy in the chair: #justiceforned2023

Peter: #justiceforned2023

My Loser: Don't you have homework to be doing?

Peter: Oh shit, you're right. 
Peter: I'll talk to you guys later. 
Peter: Thank you <3<3

*Peter closes 'loser's groupchat'*
*Peter closes phone at 9:31 p.m.*
*Peter opens phone at 10:03 p.m.*
*Peter opens 'loser's groupchat*

Peter: What did you guys get for question 10?

My Loser: Are you asking us to help you cheat?

Peter: Not at all. 
Peter: I'm asking you so we can discuss the answer. 

Guy in the chair: i was going to ask the same question. 
Guy in the chair: i don't know what i'm doing on this assignment. 

Peter: Same. 

My Loser: Do you guys just want to call so we can go over the homework?

Guy in the chair: please, oh my god

Peter: That would be AMAZING! Thank you <3

That's it for this chapter! Remember to drink some water, eat something, take medicine (if you have to), and rest today. You did a good job and I am proud of you :)
Till next time
- Storm

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