Surprise Breakfast

366 15 17

Third Person POV:
Word Count: 2,400

A small poke to Tony's face is what woke him up. It was very gentle, which meant that it had to have been Morgan. If Pepper was waking him up, she wouldn't have been poking him in the face. That left Morgan. Not only that, but the poke was small. It had to have been a child's hand.

Tony kept his eyes closed, hoping there was a chance that Morgan would go back to bed. It was bright enough that, if Tony opened his eyes, he could probably see most of the room. But, the sun wasn't streaming into the window yet. It was very early in the morning.

"Daddy," Morgan whispered. "Daddy, wake up."

With a sigh, Tony opened his eyes. He looked at Morgan, who had a small smile on her face. "I think you wake up earlier every morning," he said after he cleared his throat.

That made Morgan smile, but she didn't say anything else at the moment. She reached for her dad's hand—his real hand, not his bionic one—and started to try and drag him from the bed. "Come on, daddy! I have to show you something." She was still whispering, but there was a sense of urgency in her tone.

Tony sat up. "Sweetheart, why don't we try to go back to bed," he asked her. With a glance at the clock, he could see that it wasn't even six a.m. yet. They had a late night before, which meant Morgan would be really cranky around lunch time if she didn't get another hour or two of sleep.

There was a pout on Morgan's face as she shook her head. "Not until I show you," she said, tugging at her father's hand again.

"Okay, okay. You can show me what you have to show me, then we'll go back to bed. Deal?" He waited till he got a head nod from Morgan. When she gave one, he stood up and allowed her to start dragging him. "Slowly, Morg," he whispered, blinking blurry blobs from his eyes.

Walking slowly, Morgan guided Tony from his bedroom towards the stairs. All the bedrooms were upstairs, which meant that Morgan had ventured downstairs by herself. She normally didn't do that, waking either Pepper or Tony before she went downstairs. This was a small victory that Tony would keep to himself until Pepper woke up.

When they made it to the bottom of the stairs, Morgan guided Tony to the living room. "Look," Morgan said, pointing to the couch.

Tony's eyes followed Morgan's pointed finger. At first, all he saw was the couch. Then, he saw what Morgan was talking about. There was a discarded red and blue suit on the back of the couch. Tony took a few steps forward to see Peter—who was fast asleep—in one of Tony's sweatshirts and a pair of sweatpants. The kid looked a little pale, but was otherwise sleeping peacefully.

Immediately, Tony started to jump to conclusions. Had Peter been hurt on patrol? No, that couldn't have been it. Tony would have been notified by Karen immediately. Maybe he'd been hurt outside of patrol? It wouldn't have made sense for Peter to have his suit. A million other things came into his mind, but he didn't properly think them out because a little hand was tugging his hand.

"Can I wake him up," she asked with a giant smile on her face. Tony knew that Morgan loved it when Peter came over. Peter treated Morgan like she was his little sister. He played with Morgan a lot, even daring to play dress-up with her. He was truly so amazing to her.

Tony firmly shook his head. "No, you cannot." If Peter was here, that was at least a two and a half hour drive from the city. That is if he drove. If he swung here, that would have taken him even longer. He prayed that he would see the car he bought Peter for his sixteenth birthday in the driveway when he looked later. "He needs to sleep. And so do you, little miss. Why don't you go upstairs and get into bed with Mommy and I'll make everyone some breakfast," he offered.

IronDad/SpiderSon One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora