Science Experiments

395 14 3

Third Person POV:
Word Count: 2,211
Spooktober 2022 Day Twenty-Five: Sand

Morgan was a wild child. It wasn't a real surprise that she was considering who her parents were. Since the day she had come into this world, she had been wild. She was walking by the time she was six months old, Tony was having to chase after her because of how incredibly fast she crawled. She started walking not too long after that.

As Morgan grew, so did her mind. She was so damn smart, as Tony liked to put it (though he didn't like when she repeated it). She loved to sit in the lab with Tony and watch him work, just taking in everything that he did. She sometimes liked to help, which Tony thought was awesome. She loved everything science related, except Sid the Science Kid. Tony put that on for her one day, thinking she might like it, but the entire show she was saying how it was weird for the kid to have blue hair and how she hated it when they did their little walks with their arms close to their chests. After that, she would just leave the room when Tony put it on. Firm no to that, then.

Things didn't change. When Morgan turned five years old, she still loved science. She would do experiments on her own all of the time. Sometimes it was something unharmful, like testing to see what feed Gerald liked the best. Sometimes it was very dangerous, like trying strawberries to see if she was allergic. She was. One trip to the emergency room and a lecture later and she learned that she can't just try that stuff out without telling anyone. She shouldn't try it out at all, but if she was going to, she had to tell a parent. She promised to do so after that.

What made Morgan extremely happy was that when Peter came into her life, he also loved science. Upon learning her love for science, Peter started finding experiments to do with her when he would come out. Sometimes it was something small, like a baking soda volcano. Other times it was something silly, like how high could they climb a tree before Tony came out and yelled at them (it was twenty-two and a half feet, in case you were wondering). They did an identical test to see if Peter was still allergic to mint like other spiders. They told Tony, who was very against it, but stood by with an EpiPen. An EpiPen that was used. That was the day that Morgan concluded that Peter was more of a spider than he actually thought.

It was Friday. Morgan was waiting impatiently on the porch while Tony read a book and drank some coffee. Retired or not, he still had a crippling addiction to coffee. He was reading a book that Bruce had just published. It wasn't about science. No, this was more of a 'self-help' book. It was about controlling anger. Tony didn't think he had anger issues, but anything to support a friend. Though his attention was pulled away from the book when he heard Morgan sigh and spread out like a starfish on the porch.

He put the book down, smiling at Morgan. "What's up, bambina?" He already knew what was up. She was waiting for Peter to come, just like she did every time she found out that Peter was coming. She loved doing the science experiments he came up with, sure, but she also loved him. In every sense of the way, Peter was her older brother. Tony might have installed that thought into her head by filling it with stories of Peter and him, but Morgan was the one who ultimately chose it. One of the first times they met she said that they were brother and sister, which shocked Peter at first. He took on the role well, though.

Sighing, Morgan sat up. "Why does it always take Peter forever to get out here," she says with a frustrating grunt. "When Happy drives him, he gets out here so fast. But when he drives himself, he always takes forever," she says, falling back dramatically onto the porch.

Tony chuckled as he opened his book back up. "Oh, that's just because Happy speeds. Peter's a new driver, so he isn't comfortable speeding," he said. He took a sip of his warm coffee, smiling as he glanced up. He took in the lake house scenery, smiling to himself for a moment. It truly was beautiful out here. He then looked back down to his book and continued reading. "Give him a year or so and he'll be getting out here faster than Happy."

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