The Plan: Gone Wrong

638 10 32

Word Count: 8,928
Third Person POV:
Trigger warning: Kidnapping/Blood/Violence/PTSD/Flashbacks/Panic+Anxiety attacks

"Don't worry, Mr. Stark. I'm going to get us out of here."

The second Tony hears those words, he's flashed back.

("Hey, I'm gonna go buy you some time.")

Those were some of the last words Yinsen said to Tony.

"Peter, don't you-"

"I'm just gonna buy us some time. Just stay here."

("Stick to the plan! Stick to the plan! YINSEN!")

"-even think about leaving me here. You stay here and stick to our plan."

"It's okay, Tony. I'll be right back."


But it was too late. Peter was already gone.

Five days, thirteen hours, and forty-six hours earlier...

Tony and Peter were just spending time together. Most times, they would just hang out at the Compound in Upstate New York. Today, Peter had a decathlon practice at six. He went to cancel plans all together, but Tony just said they could hang out in the city for a little bit. May was cool with it, so that's exactly what they were doing.

They were currently at Delmar's getting sandwiches. "Peter, this place looks like it gives diseases." Tony paused, peering at the store over the rim of his sunglasses. "Screw that. This place looks like it's an entire disease in itself."

The laugh that left Peter's mouth brought Tony no comfort. "It's great, Mr. Stark. I promise. I eat here all of the time and I don't have any sort of disease."

"Yes, you do," Tony said, not missing a beat.

Peter whipped around to Tony. "I do? What?"

The older man nodded. "Yeah. It's called 'I don't know how to shut up' itis. You're lucky it isn't contagious or else we couldn't hang out," he said, nodding forward as the line moved up.

The kid paused for a second, pondering if it was actually a real disease, before just shrugging. "At least I don't have 'take my money, I'm rich' itis." The silence that followed showed how funny the joke was. Tony just gave the kid a confused look, his eyebrows raising into his hairline while Peter shook his head. "Yeah, not my best joke."

"Don't worry. You'll have plenty of time to practice," Tony said, patting his back.

The person in front of them moved, so it was their turn to order. Delmar and Peter had quite the conversation while Peter ordered. Tony just got the same thing as Peter, not feeling super adventurous. Today just felt like a 'go with the flow' type of day to Tony. So that's exactly what he was doing.

When they had their sandwiches, they walked out of the shop. "So, where do you typically eat these things," Tony asked Peter.

Peter just started unwrapping his sandwich. "Well, I get Delmar's before going on patrol, so I'll just eat it on top of a building or in some random fire escape. But, since I'm not patrolling, I figured we could just walk and eat it," he said with a shrug.

Tony shrugged too. "That's fine with me." He didn't really care what it was that they did. So long as they got food in their system.

"Awesome," Peter said. He unwrapped his sandwich, taking a big bite out of it. He smiled at the sandwich. Any other day, Tony would have thought to laugh and make fun of the kid, but today, he wasn't feeling it. 'Go with the flow' type of day, remember? He tried his own sandwich, and Peter was right. It obviously wasn't the best quality, but Tony loved it. Everything was pretty evenly divided. Not too much meat or pickles. Not too much bread. It was the perfect division of it all and it tasted amazing. "Good, right?"

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