Special Stew

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Third Person POV:
Word Count: 2,187
Spooktober 2022 Day Twenty-Six: Rotting

"Morgan, hurry up!" Tony glanced at his watch and leaned back into the couch. Morgan had said she had a surprise for him, Pepper, and Peter and that they had to wait in the living room. That was almost ten minutes ago. Tony wasn't feeling much patience right now.

There were a couple sounds coming from the porch of the cabin. Bonking and scraping. "I'm trying! Give me a minute," Morgan's voice carried into the house.

Groaning, Tony sat up. "I'm going to turn into an old man before she finishes," he muttered under his breath. He readjusted his seating, leaning back. He was just grumpy because Morgan's little calling for everyone was interrupting some of his very much needed lab time with Peter. Well, it wasn't a necessity, but he really really really wanted to get the kid's suit upgrade done before we went back to the city. Plus, Peter wanted to finish his new web shooters before then.

Pepper just sighed. "Tony, you're dramatic." She flipped the page of the magazine she was reading, paying no attention to the time. She used to have to wait for Tony to get ready after having a full night out and taking a girl home. Time was almost nothing to her in a situation like this.

Also unphased, Peter shifted. "Do you need some help," he hollerd towards the door. He wouldn't mind spoiling whatever surprise it was if it meant he could help her. From the sounds of it, she was definitely working on something. It sounded like she was mixing something, which was weird. But, of course, Tony and Pepper didn't know this.

There was silence. Maybe Morgan was thinking about accepting the help. After a few seconds though, her response came in. "No, I've got it!" The silence returned after that.

"Are you sure," Peter asked. She was still mixing whatever it was she was mixing but a little quicker now.

Groaning, Morgan replied quickly. "Yes! I don't want to ruin the surprise!"

Also groaning, Tony dramatically fell back onto the couch. "We're going to die out here." He closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out, pretending to die. It made Peter laugh.

Rolling her eyes, Pepper smacked Tony's arm. "Don't be dramatic, Tony. You'll be fine." She set down her magazine, clearly enjoying the show that Tony was putting on. Though, she would never tell. She never wanted to give into Tony's games.

"No, seriously. I think I'm deteriorating," Tony said as he made himself deadweight, slowly starting to slide off of the couch.

By the end of the day, Pepper was going to become a professional eye roller. She shook her head and looked up at Peter. "Do you see what I have to deal with? This is every day. The five year old is better than him," she said with a chuckle.

Opening his eyes and sitting upright, Tony just stared wide-eyed at Pepper. "Hey-"

He never got the chance to say anything else, because Morgan's voice carried into the house. "Close your eyes! I'm coming," she hollerd. The three of them closed their eyes, listening to Morgan's footsteps. She came into the living room, setting something down on the table. She was quiet for a minute, rearranging whatever it was she set down before she laughed. "Okay, you can open them!"

As the three on the couch opened their eyes, they were met with something that looked the equivalent to throw up. It was an orangish looking mush in one of Pepper's nice tupperware containers. A nice tupperware container that was probably going to have to get bleached just to use it again. Morgan was just standing beside it, the biggest smile on her face.

Clearing his throat, Tony was the first to break the silence. "Morgan, sweetheart, what is that?" He really didn't want it to be throw up. He would throw up if it was throw up.

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