unicorn band-aids

557 18 15

Third Person POV: 

Trigger Warning: Description of Injury in detail/Blood
Word Count: 2,236

Peter hissed as he started cleaning the cut along the side of his stomach. He wasn't even using alcohol or peroxide. According to webmd.com, those could do more damage than harm. He was supposed to use water and a mild soap. Did Peter know what a mild soap was? No, he didn't. He just planned on using the dial bar soap on the side of the sink.

With every press of the washcloth, he felt dizzy. He was starting to wonder if this was too much for him. Most times, Tony typically caught an injury before it progressed too far along. But, since he was currently in a whole other time zone with Pepper attending some award ceremony for saving the world and everything, he was most likely sleeping and not obsessively checking Peter's Spider-Man suit logs. Besides, Peter had taken off his suit before the injury had gotten too bad. There was no reason it should send a notice to Tony.

He had to be quiet, biting the inside of his lips as he gently dabbed the washcloth against his side. God, that fucker really did a number on him. The guy that had cut the gash on the side of his stomach had attempted to steal from Delmont's. Peter, since it was his favorite sandwich shop, felt the need to go out of his way to protect it. It didn't matter that it would make him late for curfew. What mattered was that he stopped the guy.

Turns out, the guy was prepared. While Peter had gotten the stolen items back, he paid the price of a nice, long gash on the right side of his stomach. It was deep enough to need stitches, he knew that. That's why, once he returned the goods to Delmont, he swung home and immediately got out of the suit. He'd have to wash the blood out of it later, but he was more focused on actually cleaning the wound to give himself the stitches.

He felt terrible, watching as one of the new washcloths May bought got stained with his blood. He couldn't find one of the older washcloths. He knew that, deep down, she wouldn't care if she found out about it. He didn't really plan on telling her unless it was too much for him to handle. Still, he felt guilty. He didn't really have the time to really look for one of the older washcloths.

The blood was oozing out of him at a decent pace still. It had been at least fifteen, if not twenty minutes since initial injury. That never meant anything good for it to still be bleeding at this pace. That's why Peter needed to clean it so he could stitch it up. But that process was going excruciatingly slow.

He dabbed a particularly sore spot. "Shit," he groaned out, clenching his hand against the side of the tub.

The voice that came from the doorway surprised him. "That's mommy's word."

Peter's eyes got wide as he looked up, seeing Morgan in the doorway of the bathroom. Morgan, who had been staying with them while Pepper and Tony were at the ceremony. Morgan, who he had left sleeping on the couch while he went out patrolling. Morgan, who was now standing in the bathroom doorway very much not asleep. "What are you doing awake," Peter asked, looking down at the cut along his stomach before looking back up.

Morgan's eyes followed him down to his stomach, which he did his best to cover up with the small washcloth, before looking back up at his face. "I don't know," she said. She walked into the bathroom, pointing to Peter's stomach. "Did you get hurt?"

There was no point in lying. She was too smart and would see right through that. "Yeah, but it's nothing I can't handle," he said. He was half lying. He wasn't exactly sure he could handle it. He had already thought about waking May up, but hadn't because he would later feel guilty for waking her up.

"It looks like a lot of blood," she said, pausing where she was. She didn't look scared, but she didn't look too thrilled either. She looks more concerned than she does anything else. "Can I see it?"

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