i like pepperony

606 18 28

A/n: Enjoy a chaotic dinner with lots of classic pepperony, clueless peter, and a happy may
Third Person POV: 
Word Count: 8,234

"I thought you said you were going to be ready twenty minutes ago," Pepper said. Her heels could be heard clicking down the hall as she was approaching her and Tony's bedroom. When she got there, she stood in the doorway and crossed her arms. "We have reservations, Tony. We can't be late!"

Tony was trying to quickly tie the tie around his neck. He had mastered the art of tying ties back when he was in the public view more often. He had a record time of tying a tie in 1.248 seconds. He took that record very, very seriously. Well, he used to. Then he went into retirement, came back out of it, went back into it, and look at him now. He was struggling to tie his tie. "I'm almost ready, just give me a second!" He let out a frustrated grunt. Part of his struggle was trying to tie said tie with a metal arm. Much easier said than done.

A sigh escaping her lips, Pepper came into the room. She set her handheld purse down onto the bed. "Let me help," she said in a gentle tone. Tony let his hands drop, watching as Pepper easily tied his tie. It frustrated Tony. Pepper, knowing this, kissed his cheek and smiled at him. Then, two seconds later, she picked up her handheld purse and smacked him with it. "Now hurry up and put on your jacket. We still have to drop Morgan off at Happy's apartment." With that, Pepper left the room, her heels clicking down the hallway getting quieter the further she walked.

Grabbing his jacket off of the bed, Tony put it on quickly. He looked in the mirror as he buttoned it, making sure that he looked decent enough. Satisfied, he grabbed his phone and walked out of the room. He turned the lights off and made his way down the hall then down the stairs. Both Pepper and Morgan were waiting for him in the kitchen. Pepper had her arms crossed as she adjusted the bracelet on her wrist, meanwhile Morgan was just coloring with her markers in her Hello Kitty coloring book.

"Finally. Morgan, time to put the markers away. We're going to see Happy," Pepper said as she grabbed her wallet off of the counter. Morgan didn't say anything, putting the markers back into the crayon box. She slid off the stool and headed towards the front door, Pepper and Tony following behind her.

Minutes later, the three of them were all buckled into the car and making their way to the city. Morgan was already starting to doze off to the soft hum of AC/DC that filled the car. Pepper was scrolling through her phone. And, well, Tony was just driving. He would occasionally start drumming his fingers against the steering wheel of the car. He'd stop when Pepper shot him a glare but would start up again when the next song came on.

Others might find it odd, but words didn't have to fill the atmosphere of the car. They were all perfectly content. Morgan was taking a much needed nap—seeing that she woke up at five that morning and refused to fall back asleep—meanwhile the two in the front just enjoyed the presence of each other. They could easily talk if they wanted to, but the silence was nice. It was relaxing. It also saved their social batteries up for their dinner tonight. Not that the Parker family could drain their social battery.

When they made it into the city, they went to Happy's first. They dropped Morgan off at Happy's house, who was thrilled to see her. He knew the drill of what she did and didn't like, what she should and shouldn't do, and what she could and couldn't eat. He had watched her a couple of times before. Date nights were a must when you had a five year old little girl. After a few minutes of talking, Pepper pushed Tony out of the apartment.

"You know, I'm not your assistant anymore. I shouldn't be having to force you to leave places just so you can arrive at other places on time." She gave Tony a glare, but he knew she was just teasing. Well, he hoped she was.

Tony gave Pepper a kiss on her cheek. "You're right. I'm sorry. I'll get better at it," he says. He opens the car door, watching as she walks around to her side of the car. "Eventually," he adds on, getting into the car with a smile on his face. The laughter that leaves Pepper's mouth was enough to make his heart flutter like it did every time he heard her laughter.

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