The Perfect Fall Day

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Third Person POV:
Word Count: 3,238
Spooktober 2022 Day Twenty-Three: Freespace

Fall. So many people loved fall. Whether it was the crunch of leaves or the pumpkin flavored everything, it sparked so much joy in the air. It could have been the way the air temperature felt perfect. It could have been the spark of joy everyone felt being able to pull out their flannel and sweater collection. It could have been the earthy smell that filled the air or the orange tint the world seemed to have. It could have been anything. It was just fall. And, a lot of people loved it.

One particular reason Peter loved fall was pumpkin patches. He loved everything about pumpkin patches. He loved the sandpits filled with corn. He loved the rows and rows of pumpkins to pick from. He loved the corn mazes that would accompany the patches. He loved the apple cider and the pumpkin doughnuts. He loved the warm sweaters, scarfs and mittens that they sold. He loved everything about pumpkin patches.

He was extra excited this year. Of course, they had to drive a ways out of the city to get to one. But, this year, he was able to get Tony to come along. Why the man even said yes to the invitation eluded Peter, but he was thrilled to have Tony there with him. Of course, May was also there. Ned and M.J. decided to tag along. So, Tony was taking them in one of his fancy cars. May and Tony were in the front seat, chatting away during the two hour drive. Peter, M.J. and Ned just sat in the back seat and talked away. Overall, it wasn't a bad drive to the patch. Well, aside from the ten minute's Peter spent fearing that he was going to get kicked out of the car.

("Oh, I love Led Zeppelin!"

"What? What? Kid, please tell me you are joking!"

"... no? I love Led Zeppelin. HIs music rocks!"

"May, you are a disgraceful parent."

"Excuse me?!"

"Your child thinks that AC/DC is Led Zeppelin!!!"

"Oh, so he's just my child now, huh?"

"Don't even-")

When they got there, Peter was the first out of the car. He literally climbed over Ned to get out of the car first. The semi-chilly air hit him, but he didn't care. He inhaled through his nose, sighing as he let the air out of his lungs. Yes. This was it. This is what he had been waiting for all year. Well, probably over a year. Either way, he had waited too long to feel this wonderful feeling again. "Pete, you with us, kid?"

Peter turned around. Everyone was now out of the car. They were all just kind of staring at him. Ned's stare was one that said something along the lines of 'come on dude, let's go!' M.J.'s stare was something that he couldn't describe. At first, it looked like she was admiring him, but then her face went all frowny and so he couldn't help but discard the first thought. May was staring at him with admiration, loving how much he was enjoying this. Tony was staring at him with partial betrayal, still probably offended from the whole getting AC/DC mixed up with Led Zeppelin thing. But, his stare was also full of admiration as well.

Clearing his throat, Peter started walking towards the patch. "Yeah, let's go!" Walking in front of everyone, he leads the way up the hill to get to the pumpkin patch.

When they get there, they each pay their five dollars to get in and they are good to go do whatever they want. Immediately, Ned and Peter head over to get themselves some warm cider. Tony tags along with them. Meanwhile, May and M.J. go to look at some of the knitted items they have for sale.

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