A fatherly instinct is always right

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Third Person POV:
Word Count: 2,734
Trigger Warning: Drugs/Being drugged/Panic Attack
Spooktober 2022 Day Twenty-Two: Sensory Loss

Tony was sitting at his lab station. He was sketching up some ideas for a new suit, but his head wasn't fully in it. He couldn't shake the uneasy feeling he had in his stomach. He'd done everything to try and distract himself from it, but he just couldn't shake it. Something was wrong, and he knew what it was.

Peter had gone to a party tonight. He texted Tony about it. At first, Tony was really happy. He was starting to get concerned that his weekend visits were cutting in on his much needed teenage social time. So upon hearing about the party, Tony was thrilled. He told Peter to enjoy himself and that he could pick him up after the party. Peter was fine with that. But, as Peter told him more details, the less and less Tony was excited. It was apparently a party that Flash was throwing. Why Peter was going eluded Tony. Peter promised that Ned and M.J. would be there with him, which was promising. Still, ever since he had heard it was Flash's party, he had just had this uneasy feeling that only grew as Friday arrived.

That's why Tony was in the lab. He wasn't getting any work done, since he was distracted. Call him a concerned fath-mentor. Call him protective. Whatever it was, Tony just had a gut feeling that something was wrong. Something wasn't going right. It was taking everything Tony had to not pick up the phone and call Peter. If he called Peter, it would make it seem like Tony didn't trust Peter. He trusted Peter more than most. It wasn't Peter he didn't trust. It was everyone else—with the exclusion of Ned and M.J.—that he didn't trust.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, standing up. He wasn't getting anything done. Might as well do something else. He grabbed his phone and keys off of the lab station and started to make his way towards the living quarters of the compound. Not many people were still here. Most everyone was either in hiding, on a mission, or living at their actual houses. Tony had yet to purchase a house not at the compound. It wasn't that he was afraid to, he just wanted to wait. Something in his gut was telling him to wait. The same gut that was telling him that something was wrong.

He found his way to the living quarters and walked towards the kitchen. Tony was many things. Genius. Billionaire. Ex-Playboy. Philanthropist. Iron-Man. Mentor. World-hero. What wasn't listed there? Chef. Tony wouldn't call himself a terrible cook, but he definitely wasn't a good one. He tried so hard, especially after his mom died. There were few dishes that he could actually make without screwing up, but that was it. He wasn't as bad as May. Not by a longshot. The food he cooked was edible. It was just either basic or not enough for a growing Spider-baby.

That's why he mostly ordered take-out, especially when Peter was around. But he needed to distract himself. That's why he was going to cook. He opened the fridge to see what they had. He wasn't surprised when he saw that the fridge was almost empty. There was cheese in there. That was about it. Tony knew that there was bread in the cabinet. So, grilled cheese it was. He grabbed the cheese and butter and closed the fridge. He walked over to the cabinets, grabbing the bread out of them. He opened another cabinet to see if they had tomato soup. They had three cans. Perfect.

Setting everything down on the counter, Tony started hunting for pots and pans to use to cook. He grabbed a deep pot for the soup and a frying pan for the grilled cheese. He set them on the stove and turned around. He started hunting for a can opener to, obviously, open the tomato soup. He was still in the process of looking when his phone started ringing.

Abandoning looking for the can opener, he fished for his phone in his pocket. The uneasy feeling in his stomach immediately picked up, seeing that Peter was calling him. He took a deep breath, reminding himself that he had just told Peter to call him when he was ready to get picked up. He answered the phone. "Hey, kid. You ready to-"

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