"Peter Benjamin Parker"

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"Peter Benjamin Parker"
Third Person POV:
Word Count: 1644

Tony walked into his lab, a coffee in hand for himself and a hot chocolate for Peter. Except, when he walked in, he couldn't see Peter anywhere. He set down his coffee and Peter's hot chocolate on the one lab table in there and started walking around. He called Peter's name out a few times, but he didn't get a response.

Tony was actually starting to panic when he walked back towards the doors. He began to panic on a whole other level when Peter (who had a black cloak on that hid his face) jumped out from behind one of the lab tables that Tony had already checked for Peter at.

To say Tony jumped five feet in the air and shrieked like a little girl would be putting it mildly.

Peter lost it, laughing so hard he was lying on the ground with tears in his eyes.

Tony stared at the kid for a few seconds, then erupted. " PETER BENJAMIN PARKER YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK! DO YOU-" Tony went on, but if we are being honest, Peter only heard half of it because he was laughing too hard.

Peter knocked on M.J.'s window, still in his suit. Peter knew that M.J. had been home studying all evening. He offered to study with her, but she said that she wanted to study alone.

That's why when M.J. got to her window and opened it, she had an annoyed look on her face. "Peter Benjamin Parker, I told you I wanted to study alone," she said as she leaned out of her window slightly.

Peter smiled, then held out a single flower for her. "I just wanted to give you two things," he said. The flower had gotten a little beaten up on the swing over, but the black dahlia was in good enough condition that he still felt comfortable giving it to her. "I found a place a couple weeks ago that sold them, but I was waiting for the right day to give one to you," he said with a shrug as he hung outside of her window.

M.J. smiled back at him, looking at the flower with a smile on her face. She wasn't good at receiving things that were meant to be gifts because, most of the time, they were pretty useless. But this? She knew that Peter did it because he knew she liked them. It wasn't invaluable. It was maybe the most valuable thing to her at the moment. Then her smile fell. "What's the second thing," she asked with curiosity in her voice.

Peter looked around to make sure no one was looking (and no one was, obviously) before he leaned towards her window. He gave her a small kiss on the cheek before putting his mask on. "I hope the rest of your study session goes well," he said as he started swinging away, leaving M.J. blushing slightly and a huge smile on her face.

Peter was exhausted. Completely exhausted. He barely remembered the last time he slept. He had an idea of when it was, and it hadn't been anytime this week.

He was sitting at the island that was in his apartment when May walked in. He was eating cereal. "Good morning," she said chirpily. He just nodded at her, too tired to try and come up with anything else at the moment. He was trying to save every amount of non-existent energy he had for school. She noticed, especially when she walked around the counter. "Oh my god. Did you get hit by a truck or something," she asked with concern.

Peter gave her a weird look. "What? No," he said as he brought the spoon up to his mouth slowly and sluggishly.

May watched him for a couple of seconds. She was pretty sure that his eyebags had eyebags. He moved so slowly and he looked like if you gave him a pillow, he wouldn't even have to lie down to fall asleep. He'd probably just fall asleep standing. "Honey, when was the last time you slept?"

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