
704 22 16

Third Person POV:
Word Count: 8,133
A/n: Tony's too stubborn to die, so please enjoy #realcanonendgame aftermath

"Daddy," Morgan cheered happily as she ran into the hospital room.

Tony's eyes shot up from the tablet he was looking at, seeing his daughter running towards him. He held out his left arm for her, welcoming her into his arms. She quickly jumped onto the bed, crawling right into Tony's lap. He wrapped his arm around her, holding him as close as he could to his chest. She just lied down on his chest, wrapping her little arms around him and holding him tight.

This is what the two of them would do every visit. They would just hold each other close for the first couple of seconds. Even the first time Morgan came in to visit Tony. She was terrified, but the second Tony wrapped his arm around her, she felt safe. She knew it was her dad. She never hesitated after that. It was such a relief for Tony. With Morgan being so young, he was scared that she might be scared of him, especially since they amputated his arm. Knowing that she wasn't scared of him only made Tony love his child more.

Pepper walked into the room, smiling as she saw Morgan and Tony hugging. She would always stay quiet when she did this. She never wanted to ruin their moment. Since Tony was still under some serious observation by the doctors, she would only bring Morgan to visit for a couple of hours a day. Pepper knew that Morgan would stay until the second Tony was let out of the hospital if she were allowed. Pepper had thought about it, but Tony asked her not to. The two had talked about it while Morgan was taking a nap. He didn't want them to have to stay for the whole thing. It got ugly at times, and he didn't want Morgan or Pepper to be put through that. Pepper understood and agreed to visiting for a couple hours every day.

Right as Pepper sat down, Morgan sat up. Tony kept his hand on her back as she sat up, keeping her close. "I wanted to bring you a juice pop, but Mommy said that it would be melted by the time we got here," she said. She reached into the pocket of her little jacket, pulling out a popsicle stick. "But I kept the stick for you. It has a joke on it."

Tony brought his hand off of her back and placed it out in front of him. Morgan put the stick in his hand as she lied back down against his chest. He wrapped his arm around her in a position so he could read what the stick said, but he could also hold her close. "What's the joke of the day then, huh," he asked as he squinted his eyes so he could try and read it. It was almost impossible to see out of his right eye, but his vision was slowly starting to come back to it. It only took a few seconds for his eyes to focus. "How many apples grow on a tree," he asked.

There was silence. Morgan didn't answer. He looked at Pepper, who just shrugged as she pulled her chair close to the bed and sat down.

"All of them," he said. He let out a chuckle as Morgan also started laughing. Pepper joined in, and the three of them just laughed together for a few seconds. It didn't matter that the joke wasn't that funny and didn't really make sense. It didn't matter if they were being loud and disrupting other patients. It didn't matter that Tony was trying to hold back the tears in his eyes as he laughed because everything was just so not normal. What mattered is that they were a family that was still together.

As the laughter died down, Tony closed his eyes. These were the moments that were keeping him going. Recovering wasn't easy. He'd been in the hospital for almost two months now. He was constantly getting sick. He had a ton of phantom pain. Some nights he was hardly sleeping because of nightmares. Other nights he just couldn't sleep. Recovery had been one of the most difficult things he had gone through, but most days he was just happy to still be alive.

He really didn't remember anything at first. He didn't remember the battle. He didn't remember snapping. He didn't remember figuring out time travel. He didn't even remember Steve, Natasha, and Scott coming to visit him. The last thing he remembered was having lunch with Pepper and Morgan almost two weeks before this all happened. It all eventually came back to him, but it was hard. That was before he was stable enough to have visitors, so he was left to remember all of that alone. That was one of the hardest things in those first couple of weeks.

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