"You were supposed to be here"

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Trigger Warning: Grief/Extreme sadness/Nightmares/The Snap (aka Infinity War) Aftermath/Endgame
Third Person POV:
Word Count: 9,438
A/n: 5 +1 fic let's get into ittttt
also, side note, I have no idea how I feel about this. Part of me hates it, part of me loves it, part of me thinks it's insane. So let me know how y'all feel about it cuz I honestly have noooooooo idea how to feel about it. 

"You were supposed to be here."

Tony stared at the suit on the wall. He was already in his, awaiting for his best friend to come get him before the ceremony. He was just moments away from what should be the happiest day of his life, but he was stuck staring at the suit on the wall. The suit that was supposed to be Peter's.

They had talked about actually weeks before the events he refuses to think about. He had just come over for a lab day when Pepper had walked in, talking wedding stuff. She was oblivious to Peter being there for almost fifteen minutes. But, when she finally did realize he was there, she just smiled and said it could wait till later.

After that, Peter asked a few questions regarding the wedding. Was Tony excited? What were the colors? He never asked to go. Tony wasn't even sure he should invite him. He planned to invite him, but he started second guessing after that conversation. The kid definitely seemed intrigued, but at the same time, he also asked all the weird questions that made him think he really didn't actually care. But, in the end, he asked Peter if he wanted to come to the wedding, and Peter was awestruck! He didn't know what to say. He was even more awestruck when Tony asked if he wanted to be a groomsman. Peter, of course, said yes and thanked Mr. Stark so many times.

Now, it was the day of the wedding. Peter wasn't here to be a groomsman. Neither was Vision. Though it was strange, it felt right that Vision was going to be the one that married them. Natasha was no longer going to be Pepper's maid of honor. He wouldn't call it cutting ties or a falling out, but all Pepper said was she didn't want Natasha as her maid of honor anymore. Maria, who was going to be a bridesmaid for Pepper had also been dusted. So, the already small wedding was reduced to four. Pepper, Tony, Happy, and Rhodey. In a way, it was like they were getting eloped. Rhodey was their witness. Happy got ordained so he could marry Pepper and Tony. Then, of course, the bride and groom.

Tony felt tears start to come into his eyes. He wanted to be happy. He was marrying the love of his life today. Though they had their ups and downs, he knew that once he got with Pepper, it was meant to be. He wasn't the best at saying 'I love you' and he sure wasn't good at doing the small things for Pepper, but she just knew. She knew that he loved her so much. He just couldn't get over the fact that he lost so many important people just a few weeks ago. He lost Peter.

There was a knock on the door right as a tear started falling down Tony's face. He quickly wiped it, cleared his throat, and turned towards the door and away from the suit. "Come in," he said. He immediately started fiddling with his tie when Rhodey came in. He knew that Rhodey would be able to tell something was up. Also, his red eyes gave away the fact that he had been crying on and off all morning. Some were tears of joy. Most were tears of sadness.

Rhodey looked at Tony and sighed. "You ready for this," he asked, trying to be peppy. He knew this day was going to be hard for him. It was going to be hard for Pepper too. It was hard for everyone. Everyone knew that. But, this is what they chose. Pepper had brought up maybe canceling the wedding. Tony broke down and cried for hours at that. Pepper comforted him, telling him it was okay if he wanted to wait. He didn't want to postpone this anymore, but he didn't want to do it without the most important people in his life.

Tony took a deep breath and smiled a little. "Yeah, I think so," he said as he shook his jacket a little, turning to the mirror to properly adjust his tie. "Are you," he asked, hoping to avert the attention away from him. He didn't want to have this deep, meaningful talk with Rhodey. He wasn't ready for it. He couldn't handle that talk yet. Especially before his wedding.

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