
438 12 5

Third Person POV:
Word Count: 2,499
Trigger Warning: Description of injury/Anxiety Attack


Peter looked ahead and saw the guy coming right for him. He did a quick glance backwards. There was no time to move. No time to bounce out of the way. So, he'd simply have to take the hit. He braced himself as the guy came crashing into him, effectively knocking both him and Peter off of the building.

The two started free falling. Peter went to go web himself, but the guy that had fallen down with him was trying to fight him mid-air. He threw a punch at Peter's jaw. Peter kicked him in the ribs in return. "Just wait a minute," Peter tried to reason as he fumbled with his web shooter. His right one wasn't working. Shit. He positioned his left one but, again, the guy grabbed onto Peter again. "Dude-"

The ground was getting scarily close and the guy was preventing Peter from using his web shooter. He knew that someone was trying to talk to him through comms, but he couldn't figure out who it was and what they were saying. All he could hear was the blood rushing in his head and the repeated mantra his thoughts had become. Shoot the web. Shoot the web. Shoot the web. Shoot the web. It was starting to get really annoying.

Finally, Peter got his left hand free and shot his web onto the side of the building. He latched onto it and pulled as hard as he could. He felt his shoulder strain at the sudden weight and his head spun at the sudden change of direction, but he didn't care. He wasn't freefalling anymore. That was good.

He felt the guy that he was falling with trying to pull on his leg and Peter groaned. "Man, I just saved your life and you still want to kill me? That's kind of rude, if you ask-" he was cut off by the guy grabbing Peter's left web shooter and crushing it into Peter's wrist. Peter screamed out in pain, and they were plummeting towards the ground again.

This time, there was no preventing the fall. It definitely was a much shorter fall and there was barely even time to think about falling before the two hit the ground. It didn't feel good, but it could have been much worse. Still, Peter fell to the ground and took most of the force, groaning upon impact. He definitely knew everything wasn't what it was supposed to be, but he knew he would be fine. It would all be healed in a couple hours like nothing had even happened in the first place.

The other guy stood to his feet slowly. He spit blood out onto the concrete and took a fighting position. "Come on, Spider-boy. Fight me like a real man." Peter, oh sweet Peter, just started laughing. Out loud. The guy paused for a moment, a confused look coming over his face. Then pure anger took over. "Are you laughing at me? You're laughing at me!"

Bringing his hand to cover his mouth to stifle his laughs, he shook his head. This was shock. This had to be shock. Why the hell else would he be laughing? "No, no. I'm sorry, it's just we fell well over one-thousand feet from the sky and you're already wanting to fight me again." His attempt to stop laughing was not working. He felt tears well up in his eyes because he was laughing so hard. He put his hands on his knees and held up a hand. "I'm sorry, just give me a minute. I'm recovering from almost dying." His laughs were senseless and he wanted to stop, but he just couldn't. Something was making this all so funny to him.

The guy didn't seem to care about Peter's laughing fit. He was taking far too personally. He charged at Peter, who immediately sensed he was coming. He got upright in a second, ready to fight him. The fight never came. Before Peter could even get in a real fighting stance, the guy was shot into a wall by a repulsor. Peter watched as Tony landed, laughs all gone now. He watched Tony walk to the guy, punching him once to knock him out. He dropped the guy and turned to Peter.

Seconds after, Tony's helmet lid was lifted and Peter could see how pale the older man was. "Are you okay," Tony asked Peter breathlessly. Peter just stared at Tony for a moment, knowing that there was clearly something wrong with the man. He watched as Tony got out of the suit fully, walking over to him. Tony took Peter's mask off and gripped his shoulder's tightly. "Peter, are you okay? Are you hurt? What's-" Tony's words were rushing together and were making the already dizzy Peter more dizzy.

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