game night

449 16 15

Third Person POV:

Trigger Warning: Discussion of surgery/Painkillers are mentioned/Injuries described in detail
Word Count: 2,031
Spooktober 2022 Day Nineteen: Operation

Bzz. BzzBzzzz.

"Ugh," Morgan said, throwing down the tweezers. She was extremely frustrated with this game.

"Hey, little miss." Tony's words took Morgan's eyes away from the board game and to Tony. "I understand that you're frustrated, but we don't need to throw things around." Tony put his hand (his real hand) on Morgan's shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze. "If you aren't having fun, we can always play another game."

Quickly, Morgan shook her head. "No!" She didn't want to quit. She was determined to master this game. She wanted to play until she won. That's just how she was. It was no surprise that she was like that. Really, her parents were Tony and Pepper. She was the most determined person there was. She was also extremely stubborn. Once she set her mind to something, it would be almost impossible to change it. So, since she decided she was going to be good at this game, she would play until she was good.

That's typically how family game night at the Stark's lake house went. Sometimes game night got intense. Compared to the previous weeks, this week was like nothing compared to it. Besides Morgan being frustrated, there wasn't much of any trouble or competition. They were taking it easy. They had all had a really rough week. An easy going game night was exactly what everyone needed.

"It's your turn, Happy," Morgan said. She crossed her arms over her chest. She was highly annoyed, but she wasn't mad. She wasn't in a sour mood, either. She was just annoyed that she wasn't better at the game. That happens sometimes. She'd get frustrated because she wasn't good at something, but the second she became good, she excelled. Once she understood what she was doing, she excelled. That's just how Morgan was. Exactly like her father.

Happy smiled at Morgan before grabbing the tweezers. He looked at the board for a second. The operation game board they were playing with had more options to choose from than he was used to. This was the better version of the game apparently. He decided to go for the Charlie Horse. He reached the tweezers in, grabbing onto the horse. He slowly started to bring it up, making sure to pay extra attention to the-


"Damn it," Happy swore. He dropped the Charlie Horse back into its place before placing the tweezers down onto the game board. He leaned back in his seat, wrapping his arm around May. "If this is any consolation to my medical skills, it makes sense why I failed out of med school." May allowed her head to rest on Happy's shoulder, looking up at him while he talked.

Tony scoffed, shaking his head as he reached for the tweezers. "Hap, you didn't go to med school."

Nodding, Happy chuckled. "Exactly. I knew I would fail out so I just didn't try."

Letting out a chuckle similar to Happy's, Tony rolled his eyes. Typical Happy. He, like Happy, looked at the board for a second before deciding what to go after. He decided to go after Writer's Cramp. Carefully, he reached in and grabbed the pencil. The hard part was over. Slowly, he started bringing the pencil up. Very slowly. Just a couple more millimeters and-

"YAY DADDY," Morgan cheered as Tony dropped the pencil onto the table. He handed the tweezers to Pepper, smiling down at Morgan as he did so. He grabbed the pencil from where he dropped it and moved it over to their pile. They had three pieces right now. They had Writer's Cramp, Butterflies in Stomach, and The Ankle Bone Connected to the Knee Bone. Happy's team had Wrenched Ankle and Wish Bone. So, as of right now, Tony's team was winning.

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