Check in :)

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Hey everyone! 
I wanted to take a break from all the one-shots to do a little check in (hence the chapter name) and maybe give you a little information about myself. I know that people usually skip these types of chapters, and if you want to do that, that is fine. But if you don't, thank you so much for sticking around :)

So, to start, I want to know about you guys: 
1. What's your name and pronouns (if you don't want to do the name part or you want to make up a name, that is totally okay)? 
2. How are you doing? 
3. How is your mental health? 
4. What is your favorite Marvel movie? 
5. Who are your top three avengers? 
6. What is your favorite one-shot so far? 
7. What is your least favorite one-shot so far? 
8. Is there anything I can improve on? 
9. Is there anything I should keep doing? 
10. What is your favorite vine? 

I'm going to answer the questions below that I asked above, and then I'll continue on about myself a little: 
1. My name is Storm and my pronouns are she/they. 
2. I'm doing kind of crappy, but I'm managing. Therefore, I'm okay. 
3. My mental health is really bad right now, but I'm working on it :). 
4. My favorite Marvel movie is probably either Iron Man or SpiderMan: No Way Home
5. My top three avengers are Tony, Wanda, and Sam (I'm sorry Peter isn't on this list, but t e c h n i c a l l y he isn't quite an Avenger. I feel like I'm going to get backlash for saying this). 
6. Personally, I think mine was "Does Anyone Know, Trader Joe?" because it was just super fun to write. Another one that is up there is "Stuck". 
7. My least favorite one so far? Oh, this is tough. I try not to hate on my writing too much because I destroy my confidence that way. I don't think I have a least favorite, full honesty. But if I had to choose (if you had to choose if you had to choose), I'd choose "Alien Tech" for the sheer fact that it took me almost a week to write and I like to get a one-shot done in a day or two. 
8. I think I can probably improve on how many words my one-shots are. I had one that was like 700 some words (that was one of the texting ones) and then I had another that was like 11,000 some words (that one was "Alien Tech"). So, maybe fine a good in-between? But I don't know, haha. This is more of a question for you guys. 
9. Again, this question is more for you guys, but I definitely think I should keep posting. I know that my posts can sometimes be far and few, but I do enjoy writing and I want to keep proving content for you guys. So, yeah, I think I should keep doing that. 
10. My favorite vine is either the little girl that falls off the swing and turns into the wii bowling ball, the "WHAT ARE THOSE?!?!?!?! They are my CrOcS" one or the little boy covered in peanut butter that says "ah" and it also turns into a wii bowling thing. I'll put them in the comments for you guys in case you don't know which ones I'm talking about. 

A little bit more about me? Uh, well, I suck at Geometry, so Peter if you want to tutor me, hit me up, man. I really like reading (both chapter books and graphic novels). I don't really have friends because, well, I don't know. I do cyber school rather than in person. I started due to COVID but after that, I kind of just stuck with it. I am in the school band though. That is kinda weird. I don't really like it. I do play volleyball, and that I love. Except for the fact I hurt my ankle back in October (it was only supposed to be like a minor sprain) and I'm still getting shit from it. I'm bisexual and I'm a demi-girl. And, uh, yeah. I think that about covers it for now. 

If you guys have any questions for me, I'll let you drop them right here in this little comment line. Or if you have any requests, feel free to put them here as well. 

That's it for this chapter! Remember to drink some water, eat something, take medicine (if you have to), and rest today. You did a good job and I am proud of you :)
Till next time
- Storm

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