Safe Place

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Third Person POV:
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He didn't answer. He was too busy staring at the carpet. This was just the start. This was almost identical to how things happened with Ben.


It was his fault. It's all his fault. He couldn't shake the all too familiar feeling. He couldn't get rid of the sinking pit in his stomach as his mind screamed at him for letting this happen again. It always happens. To the people that got close to him, it happened. First his parents. Then Ben. It was a surprise that May had survived as long as she had. She might not now. She might not and it was all his fault. It was entirely his fault.

"Peter, please, answer me."

He didn't. He couldn't. All he could do was back out of the room and down the stairs, running in the rain away from everything. He had no destination in mind. He just knew he had to get out of there. He had to leave. Before he hurt Tony, too.

-Four Hours Before-

It was a quiet day in the Parker apartment. May was taking a shower before her shift and Peter was in the living room, doing his homework on the couch. The two had been coexisting together most of the day. Peter, for some reason, felt very on edge. He was practically waiting for something to go wrong. He was currently speed running his homework so he could go out and patrol. May was preparing herself for her double shift, which she tended to hate. While she loved her job, the double shifts always left her drained, especially if they lost someone. But she would take them in a heartbeat. She knew she was helping people. She didn't have to wonder where Peter got his selflessness from.

Too engrossed in his homework, Peter didn't hear May come into the living room with him until she set her purse down onto the coffee table. He flinched at it before shooting his gaze up, seeing a worried expression on May's face. He quickly drew a smile onto his face. "Hey, May. You leaving for work," he asked in a light tone.

May nodded as she brushed her hair into a low ponytail on the back of her head. "I will here in a few minutes, yeah," she said. She set the brush down with one hand while she held her hair behind her head with the other. She started tying up her hair, watching Peter closely. "Are you okay? You've seemed very... on edge today." Despite Peter trying to hide it from her, she could always tell when he was. For instance, he was moving around the place like he was waiting for a bomb to go off or for a bad guy to burst through the door. He also had been itching to go out on patrol all day. May knew that. Which is exactly why she was worried about letting him go out.

Sighing, Peter set his incomplete homework down onto the coffee table. "I'm fine," he answered quickly. Too quickly. He watched as May raised her eye, challenging the fact that he was telling the truth. He ran a hand through his hair before sighing again, leaning back into the couch. "I'm just, I don't know. I feel like something is wrong. Like something big is about to happen and I have no idea what it is," he answered honestly. He knew there was no point in trying to lie to May. She would see right through. Besides, she could handle the truth.

Nodding, May finished putting her hair back. She put her glasses back onto her face as she thought back to the last conversation that she had with Tony. They had discussed how Peter's therapist had recently diagnosed him with anxiety. Of course, May already knew this. Peter told her—because that's the kind of relationship they had—the day he was diagnosed. She had messaged Tony later that day, asking what she could do to help him. She knew that Tony had been diagnosed years ago and that he would know some tips and tricks to help. Tony gave her some tips and some warning signs that he might be having a bad day, and all those warning signs were screaming out to her right now.

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