The Tell-Tale Heart

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(Completely based off of Edgar Allan Poe's story called the The Tell-Tale Heart. Btw this is completely new to me so if this sucks total ass I deeply apologize 😭)


Nervous! So very..very nervous. Nervous I have been and am! But mad? Oh no. You see..I have never been mad, never have and never will!! Yes, nervous, but why me mad? My disease, well, it never harmed my senses; in fact, it sharpened them! My hearing especially! And now, I shall tell you the story—oh so very calmly! 

I loved him, as much as a brother could love another!! He had never wronged me, never insulting me, never stole, never fought. A great man, old Corey was. We were best friends. There was only one drawback—and one only!! His eye..oh his disgusting eye! How it sickened me! Every time that disease washed against me it made my blood run cold, made me want to puke! It was horrible, horrific, horrendous! 

And as soon as I conceived that terrible, terrible, terrible idea, it haunted me day and night. Whether the haunting was good or bad, one could never tell. I knew what I had to do. This horrific idea, this horrible, horrible deed, one should never do. But you must understand! The vultures eyes must be ridden of!! All the pain, all the suffering it has caused, it is not acceptable!!

So I must commit..Seven long—very long—dark nights I waited. Every night I waited..waited and waited at his door. It was a terrible sin, I know, but it needed to be done. You should have seen me..cunningly awaiting, patiently watching, awaiting the vultures eyes demise!! But long nights I waited..waited and waited! Every night at midnight, I watched the man's sleep, his chest going up and down..up and down..up and down. On the Eighth night, I recognized a certain sound far too well; the sound a watch makes as if it was developed in cotton. Oh yes..the man's heartbeat. Oh how sickening it sounded..

The rage that built up was unfathomable!! It made me sick, sick, sick!! But no, I waited. Waited, waited, waited. The rage continued to build. Up and up and up! I couldn't stop it! Oh, it got louder, and louder, and louder! The neighbors have to hear it! The gruesome sound, oh how I hated it!! I couldn't take it!! The vultures eye was not open, I couldn't commit the deed!! My teeth gritted and my palms started to sweat around the lantern I was holding. I can't breathe! Over and over the hellish tattoo of the heart wouldn't stop!! It just louder, and louder and—

The lantern slipped. Fell to the ground it did. He awoke. "Who's there!?" He cried. I stopped. My breathing, my movements, everything stopped. For hours had I stood in the same spot. Not moved, not done anything. I had not once heard the man's sheets rumble and fold, no no, he had done the same. Not moved, not done anything. I could still hear that wretched noise; the beating of the man's heart..Carefully, carefully had I moved down and gently moved the lantern to see the vultures eye..the red veins, the small pupils. That's it.

I leached for him and threw him off the bed. One shriek arose from the man's mouth, but nothing more. I had suffocated him on the spot. I threw the bed on top of him and shut off his breathing. No longer would I have to constantly hear that terrible noise, but no longer would I have to see that cursed eye..

Still think me mad? Madmen know nothing. You should have seen how carefully and thoroughly carried his body into the bathtub and dismembered him. First his head, then arms, then legs. All gone was his body! A mad man would have dismembered his body on the floor, but no! No more would I have to clean up the blood! It all drained! All gone he was, and the final step was now in progress.

I carefully—and wisely—took the body into the living room and took up the floor boards. I gently sat down the boards and hid away the pieces!! I put the floor boards back so perfectly that one's eye—not even his—would notice a change! Now, no man, no woman, no one on this Earth will have to suffer the man's eye!!

Ding dong. What's this? Someone at my door? I walked over to the door and opened it. Two police officers. They had greeted me giddily. They had said a neighbor had heard a scream. Oh, you think I am nervous? For what do I have to be nervous about now? He was gone, he was. I smiled and lightheartedly said it was my own scream in a dream. I moved over and bid them inside. For what would I have to be scared about?

I showed them around, showed them my headquarters, I even showed them his. For they have found nothing. I continued to show them around, even insisting they sit down—which they accepted. I was too certain of my success, I was. But that didn't matter. I was so certain I even say my chair over the man himself.

Oh how we talked. A great time, it was. How we talked about the latest bills, the latest taxes, didn't matter. Until I felt myself going pale. I looked at the time, only 7:20am in fact. That's ok, a couple more minutes and they would have to leave. I started raising my voice, out of what, I don't know. Anger? No. Sadness? No. Nervousness? No. For what would I have to feel any of that for?

I looked at the clock. 7:21. How had time go so slow? Every minute I got paler and paler. And that's when I heard it. It was a familiar sound, a sound I had known too much about. The sound of a watch developed in cotton. But no, that can't be right. That man was dead. It got louder, however. Louder, louder, louder. It wouldn't stop. I raised my voice, I cursed, oh how I vehemently expressed my concerns! But they were just watching. Watching and smiling, smiling and laughing. That can't be right! They have to hear it!

I got up and spoke louder. Louder, louder, louder I spoke! But they sat there calmly! Calmly watching and smiling! They're making a mockery! A mockery they've made! How could they not hear!? No, they had to here!! It just got louder! Every waking second it got louder!! Over my yelling, over the fan, over everything it grew!! I couldn't take it!! My breathing was getting harsh and my legs were like jelly. No I couldn't take this!!

"Villains!!" I shrieked. "I confess!! I confess the deed!! Over here!! Under the floors!! Underneath lay the beating of the man's heart!!!"

Holy fuck that took forever 

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