All Nighter: Corey x Joey

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Corey's POV (9:16pm)

I walk into Joey's room and see him bundled up in a blanket watching TV. "Hey Joe." I said. He turned me to and smiled. "Hey Cor!" He replied. "What are you doin'? You look hella comfortable." I asked, moving closer to the bed.

"I gonna binge watch South Park 'till 4:30." He answered, moving over so I had room. I sat next to him and moved towards him. "You should let me watch it with you." I said with a smile. He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Oh whatever, as long as you bring some snacks. And you go to the store and get some some monsters." He replied smiling.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "You gotta come with me though." I said. He shrugged. "Fineee." "Wait is the store even open?" I asked. He nodded as I sighed. "Well let's go now, I don't wanna be there too long." I said, getting up.

He nodded and got up, following me downstairs. But of course, we were stopped by Sid. "What." I asked. "Where ya goin'?" He asked, falling back and forth. I gave him an annoyed look as I respond. "We're going to the store." "Oo! Can you get me some-." "No." I grabbed Joey's hand and pushed him through Sid.

"Hey! C'mon that's not-." I shut the door in his face and headed towards the car. Joey giggled as he got on the passengers side. "You're so mean to him." He said, fasting his seatbelt. I rolled my eyes and started to back up. "He's annoying thoughhhh.." I groaned.

"He's not that annoying babe." Joey said. I gave him a look and replied. "'That' annoying, right right." Joey just smiled and turned on the radio. "Can ya put on Rock You Like A Hurricane?" I asked. He nodded and proceeded to put it on.

"So what exactly are we getting?" I asked. "Monsters, snacks, y'know." He replied shrugging. "And we're staying up 'till 4?" "4:30. God do you gotta have a plan with everything?" He asked giving me a look.

"It's not my fault I gotta stay organized." I said as I rolled my eyes. "You're starting to sound like Shawn." He muttered. I stepped on the brakes, bringing us to a halt and making him jolt forward. "Never. Ever. Connect me with him." I ordered. 

"Don't slam the brakes you retard!" He exclaimed. I just rolled my eyes and starting going forward. "God you're annoying." "You invited me to come with you dipshit." He said. I silently mocked him and pulled into the store.

"You're lucky I love you." I said. "You're lucky we're ina parking lot or I'd beat you." He sassed. I groaned and got out of the car. He followed and walked with me into the store.

"Monsters first!" He said with a smile. I smiled back. "You sound just like a Child getting whatever they want at a store." I stated. He laughed and pushed me. "Whatever." He replied. We walked over and grabbed a cart. I pushed it as he followed beside me.

We walked into the aisle that had the energy drinks. "We gotta get the Ultras! Those are the best!" He exclaimed, grabbing a bunch of Monsters and putting them in the cart.

"What flavors are those?" I asked. "Two Ultra Blue, Two Ultra Watermelon, Four Ultra Strawberry Dreams, and two Mango Locos." He replied. "Why don't we just buy all the flavors?" I sarcastically asked. He turned around and looked at me annoyed. 

"What? Might as-." "Shut up Corey let's go." He said, grabbing the side of the cart and pushing it. I smiled and followed. "We gotta get the snacks next. Oh! And pop! And ice cream!" He said. "Jesus Joey, you're gonna run me dry." I hissed. "Oh you're fine. We're gonna eat all this anyway." He answered.

I shook my head and followed him into the candy aisle. "What candies are we getting?" I asked. "All sorts! Like Snickers! And Twix! And Skittles! Everything!" He cheered. I just smiled at him and let him go and grab whatever he wanted.

He ended up grabbing Skittles, Twix, Snickers, 3 Musketeers, Little Debbie's Brownies, and Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Ice Cream. "Can we get-." "Go ahead, get whatever you want." He smiled widely and started down another aisle. 

I followed him as I pushed the cart. It was the pop aisle, but I wasn't too surprised. "What pop do you want?" He asked. I shrugged. "Anything's fine, dear." He gave me a look. "I know you Corey, do you want Dr. Pepper?" I looked at the ground. "Yea.." I mumbled.

He smiled and grabbed a 2 liter of Dr. Pepper along with a 2 liter of Coke. "Is there anything else you'd like?" I asked. He thought for a moment. "No I don't think. I got the blankets, the food, the drinks. Yea I think that's it." He replied.

I nodded. "Then let's get outta here, it's late and I wanna lay down." I said. He nodded and followed me to the checkout.

"Babe." Joey was laughing his ass off as I turned to him. "521 dollars. And 25 cents." I stated. He covered his mouth to stop from laughing.

"521. Fucking dollars." "You forgot the tax." He said laughing and pointing. I whipped back to the self checking out machine. "525!? Oh my god Joey I'm gonna kill you." I said. He kept laughing as I groaned and payed for it.

"You are so. so. lucky that I love you." I said, loading everything back into the cart. He giggled and replied. "I know, and I love you too." I shook my head and pushed the cart into the parking lot. 

"I'm so excited! I know I'm gonna be able to stay up 'till 6!" I looked at him confused. "I thought it was 4:30?" I asked as I loaded everything into the back. "Well, I wanna try and stay up 'till 6 'cus The Simpsons and Family Guy are on." He replied. I shook my head for what seemed to be the 1000th time today.

"You're insufferable." I muttered, getting into the car. "I love you too." He replied. I rolled my eyes and started the car, heading to our house. 

We arrived at the house and we both carried in the many bags of junk food and drinks. As soon as we got into the house we were questioned. 

"What are all those bags?" Chris asked. "Food and drinks." Joey replied. "For what?" I rolled my eyes. "None of your goddamn business." I answered. Chris groaned and left as we headed upstairs to Joey's room.

We entered and threw the bags on the bed. "We have like 5 blankets so we don't have to worry about getting cold..we have the snacks and drinks..South Park is already on..alright we're ready!" He exclaimed, throwing himself on the bed.

I smiled and cuddled up next to him, putting my arm around his waist. He smiled and opened an Ultra Strawberry Dreams Monster. "Grab me one of those, will you dear?" I asked. He nodded. "Which one you want?" "Eh, the Mango one. It looks pretty." I replied.

He grabbed one and handed it to me. "Is it good?" I asked. He nodded. "It's really good! One of my favorite flavors." He answered, putting on South Park. I opened it and took a sip. "Damn, this is really good." I said. He nodded. "That's why I got it dipshit." He replied. I groaned and lightly pushed him, making him smile. "I bet you I'm gonna stay up later than you." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I bet you not."

I lost that bet. In fact, I lost 50 dollars and dignity if ykyk 👀

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