Slipknot's Zodiac Signs 😽😻😼😸😹😾

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Sid is an Aquarius. The symbol is The Water-Bearer and the element is Air. The planet that an Aquarius matches is Uranus. Date: January 20th to February 19th. Birthday is January 20th

Joey is a Taurus. The symbol is The Bull and the element is Earth. The planet that a Taurus matches with is Venus. Date: April 21th to May 21th. Birthday is April 26th

Paul is an Aries. The symbol is The Ram and the element is Fire. The planet that an Aries matches is Mars. Date: March 21th to April 20th. Birthday is April 8th

Chris is a Pisces. The symbol is The Fish and the element is Water. The planet that a Pisces matches is Neptune. Date: February 20th to March 20th. Birthday is February 24th

Jim is a Libra. The symbol is The Scales and the element is Air. The planet that a Libra matches is Venus. Date: September 24th to October 23th. Birthday is October 2nd

Craig is an Aquarius. The symbol is The Water-Bearer and the element is Air. The planet that an Aquarius matches is Uranus. Date: January 20th to February 19th. Birthday is February 11th

Shawn is a Libra. The symbol is The Scales and the element is Air. The planet that a Libra matches is Venus. Date: September 24th to October 23th. Birthday is September 24th

Mick is a Scorpio. The symbol is The Scorpion and the element is Water. The planet that a Scorpio is Pluto (despite it not being a planet 💀👀). Date is October 24th to November 22th. Birthday is November 3rd

Corey is a Sagittarius. The symbol is The Archer and the element is Fire. The planet that a Sagittarius matches is Jupiter. Date: November 23th to December 21th. Birthday is December 8th

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