Ass, tits, or thighs

593 14 25

Very inspired by Ilovejimroothehe!!


• probably an ass guy. I could see him just going up behind someone and grabbing their ass for no reason whatsoever other than to see it move

• has gotten slapped multiple times for grabbing a random girl's ass...and some of the band members asses


• I see him being a tit guy because if he were to date a girl taller than him, he'd ask for a hug just to put his head in between her tits

• I feel like he wouldn't grab them a lot, but rather just lay his head on them to have as a pillow.


• alright let me just say it, he's a personality guy. However, if it were to come down to ass, thighs, or tits, it'd be tits. 

• he just likes the look of them, i guess- but he usually won't get very sexual with them unless asked, or he's just really fucking horny-


• anything guy- he likes them all because he's just too fucking horny. But, it'd probably be ass because - like Sid - he likes to go up behind his partner and randomly slap their ass

• also like Sid, he's gotten slapped way too many times at strip clubs because he thought a man was a woman. Short story, he went up behind a man and slapped his ass, but as he turned around, he realized it was a guy and got slapped right across the face.


• i could see him being a thigh guy. But it's a hard tie between tits and thighs. He likes thighs because he can just grab onto them while sitting down.

• more of a dirty thing, i could see him dressing up his partner in some slutty outfit that brings out their thighs just to get a hard on


• Craig..Craig I feel like would be an ass guy, only because that's he fucks. He's usually shy with sexual things though, he doesn't really show that he's horny that often.

• but when he does..his partner is gone, paralyzed, dead. And questions? :D


• def an ass guy. He's into some really weird stuff, so when him and whoever is fucking, he usually carve shit into their ass or their thighs. But it's usually his band number or his initials

• but unlike Sid and Chris, he's not gonna go up to some rando and smack their ass, he knows better than that.


• tit kinda guy. He doesn't get too sexual with them tho, unless him and whoever is alone.

• however, he'll frequently make titty jokes around his partner because he can 😔


• thigh guy. He - like Shawn - like carving random shit into their legs for no reason. Either that or he'll draw on them. Why? Cuz it's fun 😔

• here's the sexual part, he really likes thighs because he's one of those guys who wants their head crushed 😞

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