Morning Routine: Mick x Joey

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Mick's POV

"Mick? Mick c'mon!" I groan and swat at whoever's trying to wake me. "Mick!!" I groan and open my eyes, just to see Joey in front of me. "What the hell do you want?" I asked. "Are you awake?" He asked. I stared at him, completely in shock and completely annoyed.

"Anyways can you come help me?" He asked. I groaned. "Joey it's 6 in the fucking morning!" I stated. "And? I need help with my makeup!" He exclaimed. "Go get Sid!" "No! I want you!" I groaned and turned the other way.

"Mick! C'mon please!?" He whined. I lay silent for a moment. "Fine." I hissed, sitting up. He smiled. "Ok c'mon!" He said, grabbing my hand. I sighed and got up, allowing him to pull me into the bathroom.

"So why am I here." I asked. "I just want you to be here and make sure my makeup looks good." He replied. I sigh as he begins. "Y'know, you don't always have to be so grumpy." He said, applying this liquid to his face.

"Well I'm tired." I muttered. "WeLl I'm TiReD, oh shut up Mick. It's not even that early. I got up at 4:30 to get a shower." He stated. "That's because you literally take an entire hour!" I fought. "I do not! It's only like..half an hour!" He exclaimed.

"I take 15 at most!" "That's because you don't use conditioner and this face stuff!" He said as he applied powder to his face. "That's also because I'm not fuckin' gay!" He paused and turned to me. "Then why'd we fu-." "Shut the hell up Joey. You know what I mean." I growled.

Joey rolled his eyes and applied more things to his face. "What's that?" I asked. "Some light powder, it helps my face look more..what's the word?" "Goth? A prostitute? Emo? Dead?" "Shut up Mick!" He yelled. I smiled down at him.

"You're kinda cute when you're mad." I said. He whipped up to look at me. "I am not!" "Are to." "Am not! I'll kick your fucking shins in!" I laughed and shook my head. "Whatever you wanna believe dear." He crossed his arms and pouted. "Exactly what I mean." "Mick shut up!" He groaned and grabbed what appeared to be eyeliner.

"Just shut up and let me do this. I need to focus and I don't need some big, mean, asshole harassing me." He ordered. I rolled my eyes. "Yea yes whatever. Can I go back to bed now?" "No." I groaned and crossed my arms. He bent over the sink and started applying it.

I stared as his ass longer than I probably should have because Joey spoke up. "Mick can you not?" He asked. "Not what?" I asked, looking away. "Stare at my ass." He growled. "Then stop bending over!" "You need to control yourself, how about that?" He hissed. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

He rolls his eyes and continue putting on the eyeliner. "Is this even?" He asked, turning to me. "Uh. I guess? I don't really know how to tell." I replied. "Are you retarded Mick? Does my eyeliner look even? Like the same?" He questioned. "I mean yea." He gave me an annoyed look. "That's all you had to say babe." "Well I didn't know what you mean!" I exclaimed. He rolled his eyes and grabbed some mascara.

"You gonna ask me if that's even too?" "Shut up Mick." He ordered. "And you're telling me not to be grumpy." I remarked. He turned to me, annoyed. "Mick. I swear. To God." I smiled and grabbed his hips. "What? You swear what?" I asked. He didn't respond, just got really red. "I didn't know you put on blush." "Shut up!" He yelled.

I smiled and allowed him to escape my grasp. "I hate you.." He mumbled. "Do you?" He huffed and applied the last bit of mascara. "Y'know what? Get down here." He orders. "And why should I?" "Because I wanna give you a kiss." He replied.

I look at him questioning if he was telling the truth. "Fine." I bend down to his height. He leans in for a kiss, but grabs the sides of my face. "Now just stay just like that.." He mumbled, grabbing eyeliner. "Uh no! The fuck are you doing?" I say backing up. "Oh c'mon baby! Just a bit of eyeliner?" I shook my head and stood up.

He whined and buried his face into my chest. "But Mickkk.." "But nothing. I ain't wearing any makeup." He huffed and hugged me. I hugged back, embracing his touch. "Can I put makeup on you now?" "Nope." He sighed.

"Whatever, I need to get dressed anyway." He said, getting off me. "You gonna let me watch that too?" I asked with a smirk. "No. Get.Out." I rolled my eyes and left the bathroom. 

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