Christmas Tree Shopping: an...interesting time of the year

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Joeys POV

I follow Sid into Shawn's room, smiling wide. We run in and see Shawn and Chris talking. "Shawn!! It's December now!! We gotta go get our tree!" Sid exclaimed. Shawn sighed. "Already..? Wasn't Thanksgiving a week ago?" He asked. I nodded. "Yea! So now we get the tree!!" I yelled.

Shawn sighed as Chris shrugged. "If we're going out, I need some beer, Monsters, and a new vape so I'm down." Shawn glared at him. "That sounded so unhealthy.." "Kinda like you fatass." Chris stood up and Shawn growled. "C'mon, let's go. Round everyone up." Sid and I squealed as we ran to get everyone.

After gathering everyone, we all piled into the car. Chris got shotgun because Shawn is a fucking simp, now I have to sit in the back with Jim and Mick. As I got in, I shoved Mick over. "Hey short stack! Watch whatcha doing!" I ignored him and shoved him over more, trying to make room. I suddenly regretted my decision as Jim got in.

"Wait! I wanna be on the outside!!" I yelled. Jim shook his head. "Too late, I'm already in, doors shut." He shut the door, so now I was crushed in between them. I could have been up front with Corey and Sid, but now I'm not allowed because of the prank we pulled on Shawn. Fuckin' bitch..

Jim spread his legs, so I kicked them back. He glared at me and spread them again. I glared back and kicked harder. "Joey goddamnit I swear to god!!" Mick chuckled beside me as I yelled back. "What are you gonna do huh!? Huh!?"

"Shut the fuck up!!" We stopped talking as Shawn yelled back. I crossed my arms and pouted as Jim rolled his eyes. "Bitch.." I muttered. "Shut the hell up pip squeak! The only thing you'd ever be able to do is kick my fucking knees!" I heard Shawn sigh as I hit him hard. Jim hit back and we started hitting each other back and forth.

Shawn just gave up trying, and soon enough I just punched Jim in the balls as hard as I could. He wheezed and grabbed it, bending in half. I crossed my arms and looked away. "Knock it off you too. You guys are like children." Mick shook his head. "Not my fault.." I muttered. Corey turned around. "You ok babe?" I just rolled my eyes, pouting. He sighed. "Alright." He turned back around.

After about 15 more minutes, we arrived at the tree farm. Shawn turned around and started announcing things like he usually does. "Before we leave, we have some rules we need to establish." But before he could get any further, I unbuckled my seatbelt and immediately opened the door and escaped the car. Shawn tried getting me to stay in the car, but I just refused.

Jim was still obviously in pain, but I didn't care. I waited outside the car until Shawn was finished with his rules. Finally, everyone started exiting the car. I ran to the other side and ran to Corey, giving him a hug. "Hi..?" He said, hugging me back confused. "Jim hurt me.." I whined. He was quiet for a moment. "You punched him in the balls.."

"It doesn't matter!!" He sighed and shook his head. He picked me up and decided to carry me through the farm. We entered and immediately saw all the trees. Sid's face lit up as he came up to Corey and I. "C'mon! We gotta go see them!!" He exclaimed, looking like a child in a candy store. "We're going dude." Corey said. "I know but we gotta get there sooner!!"

"Calm your ass down Sid." Mick boomed, glaring down at him. Sid whipped to him. "No one fuckin' asked you hoe!! That's why Stacy doesn't like you because you have a small ass dick!!" Mick immediately tried grabbing Sid, but he sped off. Mick chased him as Corey sighed. "I'm not ready for this.." He mumbled.

I nodded. "Tell me about it.." We all walked as Shawn started rambling, overthinking things as usual. Chris glared at him, already clearly fed up. "Shawn, it's fine. It's a damn tree you put up once a year then you burn it." "It's more important than that!! Just shut up! No one asked for your damn input!!" Chris sighed and just continued walking.

"What kinda tree are we getting?" Paul asked. "A Nordmann fir, Y'know, what we usually get." Shawn glares. Paul raised his hands in defense. "Just asking!" I giggled, finding Shawn's anger kinda funny. We entered the Nordmann for part of the farm and saw Mick beating the shit out of Sid. "Mick! Knock it off!" Shawn yelled. Mick groaned and gave one more kick to Sid before backing off. 

Shawn sighed and shook his head before looking at the Christmas trees. I got off Corey and stood next to a tree, making Mick laugh. "Even the tree is taller than you." I took a deep breath. "The tree is taller than almost everyone here. Shut the hell up." Mick chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Just playin' with you."

I swatted his hand away as Chris came up to us. "Ya got small man syndrome." He smirked as Mick laughed and my jaw dropped. "Shut the fuck up!" I kick him hard, making him wince a bit. "I told you!!" They both laughed harder. I groaned and walked away, catching up with Shawn.

"Shawn..I'm getting bullied.." He waved his hand dismissively as he was "so deep in thought". I sighed and watched him look at the tree. Corey came up to us and rested his arm on Shawn's shoulder. "So we think in' a 9-er or a 10-er?" He smirks as Shawn just glares at him. Shawn shakes his head and takes a deep breath.

We end up picking out the Nordmann fir tree Shawn was looking at and getting all of the shit done before we can go home. Before we got in the car, Jim picked me up and literally threw me into the car. "OWWW!!" I yelled, getting up. Mick got in, then Jim, squishing me against the door. I whined, but Mick quickly got annoyed and picked me up, then put me in between his legs so there was room for all of us.

The car ride home was better, but Mick was not happy I was using him as a couch. We got home and piled out of the car. Mick and Chris did the heavy lifting because they were probably the strongest. They brought it to the man cave and set it down where Shawn wanted it. It was probably around 9 feet tall and 7 feet wide. 

At the end of the day, Shawn seemed pleased and not pissed off anymore. I was still a little pissed at Jim, but I didn't show it. What's weird though, is that I can't remember if Craig went or not. He wasn't in the car, but I could swear he was with us. Either way, I'm just glad I didn't get killed..

Christmas Day chapter will come up!! <3

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