Chapter 32

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It's been 3 months since school started which means 3 long months without seeing Ryan. They say senior year is the best of your life and I am not sure if they are right, but I do know it has been the strangest start of a school year so far. Not only did Ryan show up in my life and sweep me off my feet, but I have a feeling he is not the only one after my attention, which never happens to me.

"Rachel. Earth to Rachel. Hello!!!" Amy snapped her fingers in front of my face and waved her hand across my face. "Rachel, do you want to go to the same Spanish church this year for the Christmas celebration or not?"

I seem to be zoning out more these days. "Yeah, that's fine. I think they expect us and I would hate to disappoint the kids. They love their birthday party for Jesus." Amy shook her head and wrote down notes as we finished our lunch. The Spanish club goes to a Spanish church a few times a year and we always have a birthday party for Jesus as a Christmas celebration so we can bring toys and clothes for the children and families. It is part of the way we minister to those in need.

As we cleared our trash,a hand touched my shoulder and a familiar tenor voice sounded. "Hey Rachel. Are you coming to the choir room for practice next?" It was none other than my once school crush Cole Baker. We have been in choir together and a few other classes for 4 years about we never talk other than classroom conversations and the occasional class project. He keeps popping up and talking to me this year. Ever since he saw me with Ryan at registration he has made an effort to talk to me. Strange.

Amy looked at me with wide eyes as if urging me to speak. "Yeah I will be there in a few."

"Great. I will see you soon. Bye Amy." Cole winked and walked away but not before as his warm fingers brushed my arm..

"What the hell was that Amy?" I begged for Amy to have a response and answer but she was clueless too.

"Girl, I think Cole has finally come around and likes you." I started laughing so hard that people were starting to stare as we walked down the path toward our next classes.

"Amy, you are too funny! I mean really? Cole liking me? Oh OK!!! That is a good one. It really doesn't matter anyway I have a boyfriend if you haven't forgotten!"

"You know, I think I might be right. I mean he seems to be making an effort to talk to you these days. And, Ryan is not here." My eyes shot to her. "Ok I did not mean anything by that, but Rachel you have to admit that you still wonder what if. Right? There is nothing wrong with getting to know him."

I cannot believe my best friend was suggesting I cheat on Ryan! "I am not going to cheat on Ryan, Amy! I cannot believe you would even suggest it. I mean really? I did like Cole but he just is talking to me now because he knows I have a boyfriend. He probably thinks this just fun to mess with me. Ryan made it perfectly clear to him that I am his and he missed out. He probably just wants to mess with my head."

Amy shook her head and opened the door to the Spanish lab. We pulled out the books for the freshmen classes and arranged all the props they were going to need for their lesson today. "Rachel, I am sorry. I do not want you to cheat on Ryan, but he knows you have a life here and are around other guys but I think you are forgetting to live a little because you are worried to upset Ryan. I love ya girl and I just want you to not have any regrets that's all. No sense in missing out on friendships with anyone this year. This is our last year all together and maybe Cole just wants to be your friend. I gotta get to class. I'll see you after school at TCBY."

As I walked to the choir building all I could think about is what Amy said. I think I am enjoying the year. I was social as always, but it did seem strange not having Ryan here. I was not a party going kind of girl but promised myself I would do more socializing this year. I did not have Ryan at that time. Now, it seemed different, but maybe she is right. I wish I could call Ryan but I don't want to bother him with this drama. Just as I was walking into the choir room, my phone buzzed with a text from Ryan. Perfect timing.

Just wanted to tell my girl I was thinking about her. I will be out of contact for a couple days because of work stuff. But I want you to know you are always on my mind. Talk to you as soon as I can. Miss you XOXO Ryan

I miss you too. Be careful. XOXO Rach

"Work Stuff" was always the term used when he was doing his secret military stuff. I knew that meant he was going to be out of comunication for a few days so yet again even further away from me. Oh well.

"Bad news?" Cole took a seat beside me and I guess my emotions were showing from Ryan's message. Oops.

"No!" I snapped.

"Ok. You know Rachel, I know we have never really been close but I want you to know I am here if you want to talk. You just seem a little upset and I worr.."

I was fighting my anger as I interrupted, " Thanks but no thanks. I am fine! " I cannot believe he has the audacity to try and talk to me like he cares. He has never been interested in my life. I must have hit a nerve because he got up and walked away. Now, I felt bad for being a bitch to him. Oh how I hate my life at this moment.

Our choir director came in as we took our places to start practice. A bunch of us seniors where coming in during off periods to get in extra practices before our next competition. Actually, it was going to be our last competition as seniors so we wanted to win this time. We always had high schores and won in many divisions, but never the overall trophy. I wanted to win so badly. Most of us had been in choir for over 4 years together and it would be awesome to win.

After the last run through, 15 minutes remained before the bell rang so our choir director asked for everyone to have a seat and she began talking. "So, as you all know we are asked on occasion to sing at different events throughout the year. I know that this is last minute, but the seniors have been invited to perform at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville as part of a charity benefit for the Wounded Warrior Project. One of our former students dropped off a video of some of our performances and explained that the senior class charity was the Wounded Warrior Project so they have invited us to sing. This is only for the Seniors and I told them I will find out who all can go and as long as we have at least 4 of you in each section we can go. We will leave on a Friday and they are putting us all up at the Opryland Hotel for 2 nights and I am sure we will have time to explore the are. So, what do you say?"

This was amazing news. We had never been asked to sing at a charity event out of town and we would be singing on the Opry stage. It was short notice but I hoped that there would be enough of us that could go. We had at least 35 Seniors in choir this year. "Count me in! That is amazing when do we leave?" I exclaimed. All the other students were buzzing with anticipation and were already wanting to go.

"That is great. I think I can safely call and tell them it is a YES! I am so proud of you all. I am going to miss you all so very much, but let's have an amzing year! I will let you all know the details later this week, but we will leave 2 weeks from Friday." The director could not contain herself and rushed to her office as the bell rang.

I wanted to text Ryan, but he would not get it so I will tell him later. Cole caught up with me as I walked up the path to the next class. "How exciting! I cannot believe we are going to be singing on the Opry stage. Wow, this year is full of new experiences." He winked at me and made me blush.

Trying to contain my red face, I continued walking but quickly said, "Yep. I guess." His eyes shifted and the corner of his mouth turned up as he shook his head and walked away. I did not mean to offend him or anything but I just cannot seem to be nice to him. What is wrong with me!

The news of our invitation spread all over school by the end of the day and the principal even came over the intercom during the last period to make the announcement. Everyone was so proud and excited. There were plans of us presenting a check for the money we earned so far after the performance. The choir never received this type of attention, even when we did almost sweep the competition last year. Usually it was one of the sports teams, but every student was supporting us. We knew we were going to have to have extra practices after school but it will be worth it.

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