Chapter 21

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It was 7:00 in the morning when Ryan rolled over in his bed and stretched his arms out wide. After he glanced at the clock, he stared at the ceiling debating on whether or not it was too early to call Rach. Maybe he should take a run and casually stop by her window and knock? No, she would probably have his head on a platter for that one; anyway he wanted her to sleep as long as she could. He decided that he would do a few pushups and sit-ups instead. He found himself smiling and laughing as he thought about the look on Rach's face when she saw him in the kitchen, and how absolutely beautiful she was. His thoughts were interrupted by his phone, it was Rach. "Good morning, beautiful. You are up awfully early."

Rachel was hoping that he would understand the dilemma with Jack and not be too mad. "Yep I am up. I hope you slept well." Her nerves began to make themselves known as she continued, " we can't go to the lake today. Well, I guess you can still go but I can't..." Her tears were about to fall so she rattled the words out.

"What do you mean? Are you ok? Rach, what happened? Did your parents tell you no or did Sara? If Sara is pulling this mess again I swear I am going to have to..." Ryan was getting angry at the thought of this being the same way it was when she was younger, but Rach interrupted him.

"No, surprisingly there haven't been any interruptions from Sara. Lana called and Jack's daycare had to close because the director died yesterday, so I have to keep Jack today. I am so very sorry and don't want you to think that I am trying to get out of going with you today. I want to see you. I understand if you still want to go without me, but if you want to hang here, I have an idea or two."

After hearing her, Ryan's anger calmed, realizing this was no one's fault. He knew Rach was disappointed. "Oh ok. I am glad that is it. So, you get my little buddy? I am not going anywhere without you darlin' so what ideas do you have? I am all yours today."

Relief washed over her as soon as Ryan spoke. "Ok, I know it is not ideal, but what about hanging with me and Jack? We could stay here and swim or if you really feel like an adventure, we can take him to the Children's Museum. They have their dinosaur adventure open and I would love to take him there. And, it really is a fun place to go. Maybe we can take him to McD's for some chicken nuggets? What do you say? And do not say YES unless you really want to go ok. It is fine and no reason to ruin your time off."

"Rach, you are funny. The only way today would be a disappointment is if I was not able to see you. Actually, I think I would like to play with some dinosaurs too. What time do you want me to be there?" The day was still going to be fun. He loved Jack and though he wanted her to himself, Ryan knew Rach had no choice and they would have fun with Jack.

"Yay! I am so excited. We will actually come get you about 9:30am. I have his car seat and will get him fed and ready. He is going to be so excited! He wuvs his uncle wyan! See you then. Bring your swimming trunks too for later ok? See ya in a bit. Thank you for understanding." Rachel looked forward to their play date with Jack.

Lana dropped off Jack. Rachel went over the plans with her and she was good with it. "I hope ya'll have fun but make sure Jack eats and gets his nap. I did not tell him what ya'll were doing so you can surprise him. And thank you. Mom told me you had plans with Ryan, but at least he's sweet enough to understand. I love you, gotta go. Give momma a hug Jack. Be good for Aunt Rachel." Jack's sweet face assured Lana that he was going to be a good boy and if his face didn't do the trick, his big brown eyes answered for him.

Rachel finished getting ready as Jack ate his breakfast and lay on her bed watching The Pound Puppies. Rachel giggled remembering how she was consumed with all things pound puppy, just like Jack is now.  "Aunt Wachel, can we go swimming today, please I brought my special swimming suit with the sharks on it..." Jack's precious voice made everyone want to squeeze, hug and kiss all over him.

"Well, I had a surprise for you today...but if you rather stay here..." Rachel trailed off her thought as Jack's attention was all hers.

He jumped up and down on the bed," tell me, tell me tell me...."

"Ok stop jumping on the bed. I was thinking that we might go to the Children's Museum today and play. They have their dinosaur exhibit to play on. What do you say? And, if it is ok with you, Ryan wants to play with us today too. What do you say?" She barely finished.

"Oh Wachel you are the best!!!" He hugged her then went singing through the house, "We're going to the mooseeeum and uncle wyan is going too. I am going to pway wif a terwadatal..."

Jack and Rachel loaded up the car and set off down the street. Ryan was waiting on the front porch with a bag in hand. Rachel's heart skipped a beat and her breath hitched when he sat in the car and put his hand on hers. Then a little voice piped in, "Uncle Wyan we are going to the going to the mooseeeum and I am going to pway wif a terwadatal...Oh boy this is fun. Do you have a bathing suit with Sharks on it because I have one?"

Ryan adored that little guy. "Hey buddy! I do not have sharks on my swimming trunks. Jack, thank you for letting me go with you and Aunt Rachel today. We are going to have fun!" Jack nodded at him and then started playing a game on his Rachel's I-pad. Rachel watched Ryan as he talked to Jack and it made her smile. Although this day was not what they had planned, it must be what they needed. Seeing Ryan in a different environment and with Jack was nice. She reached over and took his hand and mouthed the words Thank you. He winked at her.

Jack could barely control his excitement as Rachel unlocked his car seat and gathered her bag. He took Jack by the hand as Rachel made sure she had everything they might need in case Jack had an accident or needed a snack. She appreciated Ryan's help. "Ok, I think I got everything. Let's go!"

"Yippppeeeeeee" Jack squealed as his tiny hands squeezed both Rachel's and Ryan's hands. The two looked at each other and smiled down at Jack.

The three of them explored each exhibit and booth available inside the museum. They played grocery store, which Jack insisted was for girls but still had to make everyone get a basket and shop. There were slides and dinosaurs to climb. Rachel snapped several pictures of Jack and Ryan. Her favorite moment was watching Ryan crawl through the tiny two story mouse maze to rescue a scared Jack.

After stopping by the craft center to pick up the dinosaur Jack and Ryan made together and their drawings, it was time to go. As much as Jack protested and claimed he was not tired or finished, his silence in the backseat as they drove home proved otherwise. Once the car engine was off, Ryan very gently unbuckled Jack and carried him into the house, placing him on Rachel's bed for his nap. He sweetly kissed him on the cheek, "Sweet dreams little buddy."

Back in the kitchen, Rachel was mixing up a fresh gallon of lemonade and poured two glasses. Ryan walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Jack is asleep and I finally have you to myself." His head rested on the neck and he gave her a tight squeeze. Rachel's insides where flipping over and she felt those hot butterflies again. She loved being in his arms and never wanted it to end, but she knew it would and soon.

"Thank you for coming with us today. I am sorry that it was not what you had wanted to do, but I am glad we had time together. Jack really enjoyed having you around and so did I. Ry..." Before she could finish Ryan turned her around lifted her chin up and placed his lips softly against hers. Wow! Rachel melted in his arms.

Ryan had wanted to kiss Rach all day. It was driving him crazy that he had not been able to sneak one in until now. Little Jack is a loud mouth and never misses anything and Ryan did not want to cause any problems.

Pulling away slightly, he memorized Rach's face and eyes. Those eyes were going to be his down fall for sure, and that smile. He lightly touched her cheek with the back of his hand. "Rach, I had a great time with you and Jack. You are so great with him. I can't believe I had to crawl through the mouse maze. I am thankful I fit! Do you think you could go out with me later tonight? I want more time with you."

Being so close to Ryan was torture in all the good ways, but she did need to take care of Jack and would have to make sure she could go tonight. "I need to double check with my mom and Lana, but I would love to go out with you later."

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