Chapter 12

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      Ryan's grandmother had made him breakfast as well that morning. When he had returned from his run, she had blueberry pancakes, bacon and orange juice with the pulp on the table waiting for him. "Good morning darling, how's my boy this morning? You were out awfully late. How was your night?" With a bite of pancakes in his mouth he managed, "I am better than ever and had a great dinner last night with Rach."


 His grandmother was perceptive of course. "I thought you were friends with her sister Sara? Isn't Rachel much younger than you sweetheart? You better be careful, do not hurt that girl." She knew his history with the ladies and knew that Sara was the girl always around when they were younger. Of course his grandmother would have to remind him that he was reckless, well he used to be. He could not imagine hurting Rach or making her uncomfortable.


 "Yes, Sara, is her big sister and yes I am 5 years older than her but she is 18 now and don't worry I will be a gentleman. Anyway, Rach and I have been writing each other for over 3 years now and know each other pretty well. We had a great time last night and I am going to a basketball game with her tonight, hope you don't mind but I knew you have your card game with the ladies tonight."

 She smiled at him with approval and love. He was her favorite grandson and loved him like a son. She could see a difference in him ever since he came home Thursday night. She thought it was the navy and his time overseas that made him different, but now she thinks she might see another reason for it. After seeing how he looked at her last night and how nervous he was around her, she was pretty sure she was right. Ryan is interested in Rachel.


 Ryan ran to the store for a few things for his grandmother and took the opportunity to call Rach. As Rachel's phone rang she realized it was him on the caller ID and she seemed to not be able to answer fast enough, "Well good morning Mr.! I see you have already been to my house this morning? Are you stalking me? Do I need to get a restraining order?" She teased him and he loved it.


  "No restraining orders please." He knew her mom would be sure and say something. "Yes I did. I was running and your mom and dad were outside so I stopped to talk to them. I may have said I was going to the game with you tonight and would stop by early so we could visit, hope that was ok. Did they question you too much?" Part of him liked the thought of her being put on the spot but at the same time, he was worried that he might have actually caused her a problem with her parents, which was the last thing he needed or wanted. They were rather protective of their baby girl.


   "Well, you know mom, she can see right through anyone, but they were cool. Are you sure you want to go tonight, because those girls we ran into will be there and I don't want it to be awkward for you," she wanted to make sure he knew what he was getting into.

  "Rach, I don't care who is around and what they say, as long as you are good I am good. Besides, why not give them something to talk about. Listen, I am running some errands for my grandmother but I will be there around 5:30 if that's ok. Mom said they would be home by then. I will see you later." With that, he was gone. 

Rachel's TurnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon