Chapter 46

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Rachel ROV

It was now Sunday morning and time to go home. It was bittersweet having to leave after a couple wonderful days in Nashville. Who knew so much could happen in 2 days. I got to step foot on and sing on the Opry stage. I sang on stage with a live band, even though I was singing a duet I still had parts of my own to sing. I danced with a boy and it was awesome. Not any boy but Cole! I drank alcohol. WOW, is this me?

Tiffany walked out of the bathroom as I began to pack my suitcase. Looking at the time it was only 7:30am but I did not know when Cole wanted to leave. "Last night was awesome. Do you feel ok today? You did have fun, ok well I know you did because you were dancing, smiling and singing. By the way, WOW. Can I just say WOW? You and Cole are awesome together."

"Thanks for the ego boost. I did have fun last night. Not sure I want to drink again, but I did have a great time." Her 'together' comment caught me off guard. "And, by the way we did sing well."

Shaking her head and grinning as she folded her close, Tiffany raised her eyebrows at Rachel. "Yeah, um I was talking about more than the singing girl. I mean yes your voices were perfect together but the whole performance was hot. The MC said it too, let's see how did he refer to ya'll? Oh yea 'the next country couple'. I wish you could have seen it for yourself. Ya'll got something going on don't you?"

"First of all, the MC was doing his job gearing up the crowd and secondly there is nothing between Cole and I. We are barely even friends. Do you know what time you are leaving?" I cannot believe she actually thinks something is going on with us.

"Ok, Rachel, you keep telling yourself that but...anyway Carolyn and I are going to the mall then heading home. I guess I will see you in class tomorrow? I had a great time hanging with you girl. We should really do it more often." Tiffany hugged Rachel before leaving the room.

After Tiffany left, I took a quick shower not bothering to wash my hair since it would be a ponytail kind of day. There was a knock at the door. "Hold on a minute. Be there in a sec." I finished dressing and went to the door.

When I opened the door, I saw Cole leaning against the wall opposite the door. He had a calm nervousness about him which was quite opposite from his frantic nerves last night. "Hey. Are you ready to go?"

His head lifted and his gaze fell upon me. It was warm and felt like home. "That's um what I came to talk to you about. It seems that Randy already left with someone else so it's just us. I had a crazy idea but not sure you are up for it."

"Are you serious? He left us? So, it's just me riding with you." I took a deep breath and tried to still the anxiety threatening to overcome me. I knew Ryan would be pissed but I have no other way to get home and I am not in the mood to argue with anyone. I wonder what Cole's idea is. "What crazy idea?"

A small smile spread across his face and his eyes brightened a bit. "OK, well, I was thinking that since it is just us, and it is early....well...I know you mentioned that you had wanted to see downtown in the daytime...." I could tell he was scared to say the wrong thing. "I just thought if you wanted to, we could take a carriage ride around downtown before we leave. I already checked and they start rides at 9am. We will have plenty of time to get home before dark. So, what do you say?"

At first, I wanted to tell him no, but I really did want to take a carriage ride downtown. It was one of my favorite things to do. The last time I took one was with Ryan back home over the summer. Oh, Ryan, why can't you be here? "OK, well as long as we can be home by dark I am in. It sounds fun. Give me ten minutes and I will meet you in the lobby."

"Great! I will go ahead and pull around front so take your time." Cole looked like he just found the golden ticket in the chocolate bar and disappeared down the hall.

Cole POV

When Randy told me he was leaving with someone else, I wanted to strangle him. The ride home was going to be horrible if it were just Rachel and I. The more I worried about it the more crazy ideas filled my mind. Last night was amazing then it was awkward but I wanted to make it up to Rachel. If nothing else came from this trip, I now know that I really care about Rachel and want to be with her. I realize she has a boyfriend, but I can still be her friend if she will let me.

I remembered Rachel mentioned seeing downtown Nashville in the daytime, so what better way than by carriage. People do it all the time and it doesn't mean it is only a romantic notion, right? It is chilly outside since it's the first of November, but that is what blankets and hot chocolate are made to handle. I hope she says yes.

When Rachel agreed with little hesitation to take one last ride through the city, my heart somersaulted. I tried so hard to mask my excitement. About 15 minutes after I left Rachel's room, I was outside the lobby door, loading her bags. Next stop, downtown.

She seemed more relaxed than earlier. "When was the last time you took a carriage ride?" Oops, I must have not asked the right question because her natural smile fell.

"Well, was before school started. Ryan took me out one night and that is one of the things we did." Her words drove daggers through my heart. Of course Captain Romance took her for a carriage ride to sweep her off her feet.

"Oh. Well, Rachel, I just wanted to end the weekend here on a positive and memorable note. I didn't mean..." She stopped me as she placed a hand on mine. Her soft touch was one of the best feelings I have ever felt.

"Stop that. It is great and I very much appreciate it. Let's go. I hope they have hot chocolate because I am cold." Within minutes, the two were snug as bugs in rugs under the carriage blankets, only freeing their hands to hold warm mugs of the most delicious hot chocolate this side of the Mason-Dixon Line.

The ride through downtown Nashville was better than I could have imagined. Seeing the excitement on Rachel's face as the driver told stories of local artists and watching her sing along with songs as we passed by local honky tonks made this ride worth every penny. The ride down Riverside Drive was magical especially when a gust of wind chilled us to the bone, causing her to snuggle against me to stay warm. She looked into my eyes for a brief moment in shock that she had grown so close, yet she returned to her hot chocolate and gazed out across the river. It was perfect too bad we had to go home.

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