Chapter 51

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                          *Caution: Deals with intimate issues. Not too graphic but be aware*  

After gathering all the flowers from her car, Rachel made her way to the house. She was having trouble opening the door with her arms full of her flowers, purse and bag. Thankfully her mom came to her rescue. "Oh my goodness, did Ryan send you more flowers today?"

Rachel helped her mom find vases for all the flowers as she told her how Ryan surprised her. "I could not believe what I was seeing. I don't know how I didn't notice before Amy."

Mrs. Taylor was very pleased at Ryan's display of affection toward Rachel. She knew the past few months had been very difficult for her baby girl and was appreciative that she had a genuine smile on her face. "I am glad he was able to surprise you, Miss Hard to Surprise. I love you sweetheart. Is he coming by later?" Her mom knew that was a silly question.

"I think so, I think he told me he will see me later, but honestly I was so shocked that he was here, I don't remember." Rachel laughed along with her mom. Her mind was definitely not firing on all cylinders since she saw him.

Not long after Rachel had taken her belongings to her bedroom, her phone signaled a new message:

Hey baby! I just wanted to tell you that I will be there at 6:15 pm to pick you up, if that is ok? – xoxox Ryan

Sound perfect. But, you may want to come a little early because mom wants to see ya too. See ya soon. Xoxo Rach

Rachel wasted no time as she ran to the kitchen to inform her mom of her plans then jumped into the shower. She only had an hour and a half to be perfect for him. She chose her favorite new pair of black jeans and paired it with a thin sweater that faded from white to black and hung off one shoulder. She wore her metal studded black semi-motorcycle like boots and finished the outfit off with her leather jacket.

While Rachel was finishing her hair, which she decided to leave down for Ryan, she heard the commotion in the house which confirmed Ryan was there. It was 6pm and Ryan was sweet enough to take a few minutes to spend with the family. She took her time, not emerging from her room until 6:15. She took one last stare into the mirror and smiled before turning off her light and grabbing her purse.

Ryan was leaning on the bar in the kitchen with his back to the hallway enabling Rachel to sneak behind him and place her hands over his eyes. "Guess who?"

He stood straight, taking his hands and placing them over his as he turned to her. Taking a step back still holding her hands in front of him, he scanned her from head to toe quickly and pulled her into a hug. "You look so beautiful." Ryan whispered in her ear and a warm blush grew on her cheeks. Within minutes, they were saying goodbye and driving down the road.

"So, where are we going?" Rachel politely asked as she reveled in the warmth of his hand holding hers.

"I thought we could do some fun stuff tonight. How about a little Putt-Putt, go garts and maybe grab some food?" Ryan knew these were some of Rach's favorite things to do and wanted to do as much as he could with her.

She looked at him with a quizzical smirk. "Only if you promise not to cry like a baby and cause a scene when I beat you at Go Carts. Oh and same goes for air hockey, because I am that good!"

Ryan shook his head and brought her hand to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss that sent electric shivers through out her. "Cocky are we?" She gave him her serious face and flicked her collar of her leather jacket as they both laughed.

Rachel and Ryan played a couple rounds of Mini-golf which Ryan won course. Since it was chilly out, Ryan took every opportunity to wrap his arms around her to keep her warm. Well, it was an excuse of course. He missed the way she fit perfectly in his arms and longed to keep her there. He wanted to kiss her constantly, but hearing her laughter and stealing a congratulatory kiss here and there was the best.

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