Chapter 28

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"Dinner is ready. Everyone, come in the kitchen for the blessing so we can eat." Mrs. Taylor called out.

Usually Mr. Taylor said grace but he looked to Rachel this time. "Rachel, will you say grace?"

"Yes sir. Please bow your head. Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you with thanks and praise for all you do. We thank you for our family and friends that are with us tonight and pray that you will bless and take care of each and every one. We ask that you send angels to lead and protect Ryan and Warren in their travels tomorrow and bring them home safely. Please bless this food that we are about to eat and use us for your honor and glory. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen." Everyone answered with an AMEN.

Ryan grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek and whispered, "Thank you that was beautiful." Her face reddened with his kiss and before they knew it they were ushered in line with plates.

Rachel looked at both Ryan and Warren and told them to get their plates and she would grab their drinks. Crystal Light for Ryan, Coke for Warren and Rachel would have sweet tea. She placed their glasses at the table and motioned to them their location so they could sit in the right spot. She then took her time helping get everyone else's drinks and getting them settled. She was a little hostess.

Warren and Ryan took a seat at the table, the first ones to sit. "Bro, she really is beautiful and likes you a lot. You did well my man. I am happy for you." Warren told Ryan as Ryan nodded in agreement.

Finally, Sara and Rob came to sit at the table with Warren and Ryan. Rachel joined them and Ryan pulled her chair out for her which made her smile and made Sara roll her eyes. All Sara could think was how weird this was and she did not know how to take it. She had never seen Ryan act this way, but he was older too. He really cares for my little sister. Look at how looks at her. He never looked at me that way. He is glowing and so is she. Well, of course Rachel is she always glows around him. No, this was different. Sara's mind was running 90 miles per hour and her husband placed a hand on her leg to snap her from the trap of her mind.

"So, Warren, you have been Ryan's buddy since when?" Sara decided to start talking and get them talking to see what this guy had to say. Maybe he will shed some light on this situation.

"We met in boot camp. He actually saved my tail (good save) a bit from getting beat up for running my mouth and I guess from that point we have been cool. I have heard about this family for years and am so glad to finally get to meet you all. I feel like I have known you for a while Rachel." He laughed and smiled at Rachel.

"Well Warren I can say the same, and I admit I am proud that you are on your best behavior." Rachel giggled and Ryan looked at Warren's face and he knew Rachel knew Warren's potential. Well, she knew enough.

Sara sat there listening to the three of them talking and making jokes and comments as if they were all three old friends and it was starting to irritate her. Rachel usually was the one on the outside having to listen and now it is opposite.. "I did not think you had actually ever met Warren before so how do you all know each other so well?"

Ryan sensed the building tension and gently took Rach's hand and was about to speak when Warren opened his big mouth. "Sara, I have not met Rachel in person. We have talked on the phone for a few minutes over the past 3 years, but only when I tackle Ryan and steal the phone. Ryan, remember when we were in that ..." Ryan kicked him under the table and he realized he needed to shut up on details. "Anyway, I only know Rachel from what Ryan has told me over the years and the few very brief chats on the phone. You have a pretty cool sister Sara. I can't believe no one has scooped her up before Ryan here." He took a big bite of mashed potatoes as Ryan kicked him again.

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