Chapter 5

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 From the first time Rachel heard Luke Bryan's record, I Don't Want This Night to End, she associated it with her memory of that last night at the lake around three years ago. Just as the song expresses an amazing night that no one wants to stop, his staying there to talk and make sure she was ok made her heart beg for that night not to end. It may have come to a close but she was so proud that even now, they were still writing letters to each other. 

 As the song ended on the radio, she felt a tug on her heart and would do anything to have him home. Silly as it may sound, she was now 18 and embers still glowed from her fiery crush. There would always be a what if factor and despite the many times as she daydreamed or imagined scenarios of his coming home and sweeping her off her feet, she knew that they were friends and he saw her more as a sister now. She would have to learn to be ok with that, maybe. Rachel knew in her heart that one day they would see each other again and he would see her as she was, a beautiful strong young woman who would be by his side if he let her.

     Snap out of it Rachel and focus on today! Her mind shouted. Cleaning was finished and it was only 10:30am so she had the best of the day to submerge herself in the sun. She threw on her purple and pink swim suit, grabbed her fishy beach towel and headed to the pool, radio in hand of course. Yes, the radio went everywhere. The heat of the sun touched her skin and massaged in healthy brown tones. As she floated in the crystal blue water, images of his gorgeous blue eyes, his sandy blonde hair, tan skin and firm body imprisoned her. There were so many feelings and emotions that overloaded her mind and somehow made her almost forget that she was in the sun and baking like a lobster. She missed him.

  She ran inside in time to catch the phone, "Hey. I have some of your mail and have been meaning to bring it to you for a few days, I am so sorry. Can I drop it off in a bit?"

    It was a neighbor calling, so Rachel replied, "That's fine, I might be in the shower but I will leave the back door unlocked. Just put it the table. Thanks." Leaving the door unlocked and getting into the shower was probably not super smart but she trusted her neighbor. They rarely locked their doors in her neighborhood anyway.

 As she stepped out of the shower, she heard a noise in the kitchen. "Thanks for bringing the mail by," she shouted, "I will be out in a minute." She quickly dried off, put a t-shirt and shorts as she continued to towel dry her hair and walk to the kitchen. She stopped dead in her tracks when she heard a voice, "You know you really shouldn't leave the door unlocked if you are here alone. Any crazy man could come in here." She looked up and there he stood. Ryan. The man that had consumed her all day was standing in her kitchen.


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